Page 53 - October 2023
P. 53

MY 9-5

                                                The best part of my job is…
 A Day in the Life:                             I’ve loved connecting with readers and
                                                hearing how the book is helping them, and
                                                we are building a lovely community on my
 Rosie Steer                                    Instagram, @everythinglooksrosie.

 Teacher and author Rosie Steer                 My most memorable career moment
 shares how she spends a typical day.           is…
                                                My book deal with Bloomsbury. I have
                                                always wanted to write a book, and for
                                                it to be published by such a prestigious
 Where do you call home?                        company is a dream come true.
 I live in a tenement in Marchmont,
 Edinburgh.  We  were  looking  for  a  doer-   After work I…
 upper  and  found  a  flat  here  with  period   Spend time in nature – whether foraging or
 features that needed some love.                forest bathing. After much recipe testing
                                                for the book, I’ve been ready for someone
 My day starts with…                            else to do the cooking; Argyle Place in
                                                Marchmont is my local favourite, with
 My alarm goes off at 6.20am. I split my
 time between my job as English teacher         delicious seasonal brunch and baking.
 and writing – my book  Slow Seasons:
 A Creative  Guide  to Reconnecting with        If I wasn’t an author and teacher, I’d
 Nature the Celtic Way is out now. During       have been…
 term, I do a little book admin before work     I would have loved to become an illustrator.
 but try to practice what I preach about        However, the experience of writing Slow
 slow living: I take time to walk to work       Seasons has taught me to never give up on
 as noticing the changes in the seasons         dreams, so maybe one day!
 grounds me. In the holidays, I wake up at
 the same time and start the day with some
 reading before I write.                        What’s the best piece of career advice
                                                you’ve been given?
                                                Author Beth Kempton once said: “You are a
 I got my job…
                                                writer, and the world needs your medicine.”
 I wrote my book proposal in 2020: I            As a society I think we can look down on
 wanted to help readers to reconnect with       creative pursuits as frivolous, but she
 nature to nurture new habits of slow living,   reminded me how much power our words
 with recipes and rituals inspired by my        have – they can offer solace and meaning in
 roots. Rejection fuelled my determination      our fast-paced world.
 to make Slow Seasons the best it could
 be. I signed with Bergstrom Studio in early
 2022 and chose to work with Bloomsbury
 to publish; they really understood my              Slow Seasons: A Creative Guide to
 vision and have made my book into a            Reconnecting with Nature the Celtic Way is
 beautiful reality.                              out now, available at all good bookstores.

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