Page 21 - ESPC_Feb25
P. 21
A life of luxury
Fancy the home of your dreams? This five-bedroom East Lothian
family home could be the one you’ve pictured.
ituated on the edge of the charming wooden flooring, as well as amazing wooden
East Lothian village of Inveresk is this homely features, such as doors and a banister,
Sunbelievable five-bedroom family home. this area is also paired with a grey carpeted
With extremely modern and tasteful décor staircase and matching walls which sets the
throughout, as well as an immaculate front tone for this welcoming home perfectly.
and rear garden, this property is fit for royalty.
The home is surrounded by picturesque As you turn right from the hallway, you will
countryside, giving a perfect location for be led to the drawing room, or the first of two
rural walks. There is also a large selection of reception rooms. This spacious room oozes
shops, gourmet dining and top-tier schools with sophistication, as the bay window that
nearby. This area provides incredible transport stretches across the back wall overlooks the
links, as the train to Edinburgh Waverley only property’s front driveway and floods the room
takes eleven minutes, meaning you can have with natural light. In the middle of the room
luxurious day trips to Scotland’s cosmopolitan is a grand fireplace, with cream coloured
capital city of Edinburgh whenever you fancy! detailing, making this room a formal, yet
welcoming, space.
The property is beautiful inside and out, as
a cobbled stone driveway leads you to the The dining room is on the left hand side of
glistening white front door, as well as providing the hallway. This room once again brings a
an integral double garage and a pristine set of bright and airy vibe, as the two large windows
flowerbeds. Around the back of the property, overlook the rear garden. The same wooden
is an enormous landscaped garden and fitted flooring that is evident throughout the
dining area, showing this home to be a great property further brings this room a relaxed
place to spend time outdoors and create environment, while a large eight-seater table
forever summer memories with friends and can be centred in the middle of the room. This
family when the Scottish weather suits. room is ideal for gathering the family round
for a hearty dinner after a long and busy day,
As you enter the property, you will be met with or is equally special to invite guests round for
the incredible hallway. Fitted with gorgeous a dinner party.
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