Page 33 - ESPC_Feb25
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 kitchen/sitting room, fitted a new kitchen
 and renovated the bathroom, where we
 kept all the 1930s Art Deco features such
 as the bath, sink and glass wall tiles.”
 The  array  of  period  features  was  a  big
 part of the property’s allure for Lauren
 and Fraser, as she tells us: “We are so
 lucky to have so many original features,
 and so many in such good condition! We
 have stained-glass doors in the hallway
 and a stained-glass window on the stairs,
 lovely cornicing, and all the original doors
 and hardware. But our favourite feature
 is, without a doubt, the original Victorian
 tiles in our hallway, which we didn’t know
 about when we viewed the house. They
 were hidden  under  a carpet,  and  the
 seller told us about them after the third
 viewing; she said they’d been covered for
 years, and she didn’t know what condition
 they’d be in. I pulled the carpet up and I   As the couple have worked on their property,   been harder than expected, but worth it –
 honestly felt like I’d won the lottery – they   they also expanded their family, with the   one standout memory is having no kitchen
 were pristine, and so unique! I absolutely   addition of a third child. Throughout their   for over two months during lockdown, while I
 love them.”
        renovations, Lauren and Fraser have been very   was heavily pregnant, with two children under
        careful to blend the history and heritage of   the age of 5! I initially wanted it all done as
 “As soon as I walked through the front door, I   their home with their own contemporary tastes,   quickly as possible, but it’s been nice to take
 knew this was the house we were going to live   cultivating a beautiful finished look that spans   our time with some decisions, as our ideas
 in,”  Lauren  shares.  “I  can’t  even  explain  why,   various decades and genres, while maintaining   have changed over time.”
 I  just  had  such  a  lovely  feeling,  and  I  knew   the feeling of being a real family home to enjoy
 straight away it was the one. We could see it had   with their children. “I love mid-century furniture,   Do the couple ever consider moving onto a
 so much potential, and we couldn’t wait to put   and rich, deep colours (especially green!), while   new home? Lauren doesn’t think so: “We have
 our own stamp on it.”  we have velvet and brass in every room. Really, I   discussed it, but I’d really struggle to leave this
        aspire to have an elegant home, but for it to be   house! If we can convert our attic in the future,
 With their offer accepted, Lauren and Fraser   homely and welcoming – having three children   I think this will be our forever home.”
 could make quick work of selling their own   means  it’s  definitely  not  a  showhome,  but  a
 home, having had the photography and   much-loved family home.”  Reflecting  on  the  journey  that  led  them  to
 schedule created back when they initially    their  now-forever  home,  Lauren  has  some
 thought of selling. They got their keys in   The renovations have been done gradually   sage advice to share with anyone hoping to
 September  2019  and  have  been  painstakingly   over  the  past  five  years,  and  Lauren   find the same in 2025: “Don’t be disheartened
 personalising and refurbishing the house ever   recommends taking as much time as you   if you don’t get the first house you go for. We
 since, turning it into their dream home, which   can if you intend to stay in a property for the   were so upset when we lost out, but I’m so glad
 Lauren documents on Instagram.   long term. “I think buying the right property   we didn’t get that house now! It might not feel
        takes time and isn’t something that should   like it at the time, but everything happens for a
 “The house was very liveable when we moved   be rushed if you can help it. Renovating has   reason and the right place is out there for you.”
 in,  it  just  needed  a  bit  of  upgrading,”  Lauren
 explains. We’ve redecorated every room,   If you’d like to keep up with Lauren and Fraser’s renovations, you can follow along
 knocked  down  walls  to  create  an  open-plan   on Instagram @from_house_to_home_84.

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