Page 38 - ESPC_Jun24
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              Work it out                                                                   If  you  need  to  work  from  your  dining  table,   A desk with storage is a great find; think about

                                                                                            kitchen  island  or  even  your  dressing  table,
                                                                                                                                 how  many  screens  you  use  or  how  much
                                                                                            make sure that you have an ergonomic chair,
                                                                                                                                 equipment  you  need,  as  this  will  determine
                                                                                            cushioned to fit the aesthetic of the room while
                                                                                                                                 the size of desk. It’s also a good idea to invest
                                                                                            ensuring you can sit comfortably for prolonged
                                                                                                                                 reports, or even a printer.
                                                                                            periods.  Add  a  lamp  –  try  a  battery-operated
                                                                                            one if you’re short on sockets – and make sure   in  storage  cabinets  to  house  things  like  files,
                                                                                            there’s a dedicated space to stash your laptop,   Paint the room in a calm shade that suits the
                                                                                            stationery and notes, to help return your   available light – a soft, off-white paired
       Need a space to WFH? We look at all the options to help you create a dedicated       space to its primary purpose at the          with a soothing green or blue is a
                   office space, however much room you have to spare.                       end of the day.                                nice  choice  for  an  office  and  a
                                                                                                                                            bedroom.  Add  in  some  art  and
                                                                                            A little spare space                            personal  touches,  and  a  few
                                                   ive  years  ago,  a  home  office  was   If you want to create a                         plants too – just don’t forget to
                                                   mostly  reserved  for  freelancers       dedicated  office  area,  but                   water them when you close the
                                               F with  room  to  spare  rather  than        have  a  small  space  to  play                 door for the weekend!
                                               a  necessity  for  a  huge  component  of    with,  it  can  be  done!  If  you
                                               the  workforce.  But  in  the  years  post-  have  an  unused  alcove,  you                  Investing in a sofa bed is a
                                               pandemic,  the  hybrid  model  of  working   could add a couple of shelves,                  great idea too – of course it
                                               continues  to  be  the  new  normal,  with   and build a floating desk shelf                 provides a place for guests to
                                               more of us working from home for at least    to  create  a  cosy  office  area               sleep, but it’s also very nice to
                                               part of the week.                            that provides everything you                    have  somewhere  other  than
                                                                                            need to work in peace and                       your  desk  to  brainstorm,  take
                                               Of  course,  while  you  lose  a  commute    comfort.  Just  make  sure  you                 a phone call or just enjoy some
                                               and  enjoy  more  flexibility,  you  must  also   have a socket close by!                    screen-free time.
                                               sacrifice  some  of  your  personal  space
                                               to  create  a  dedicated  home  office  area   Foldaway desks are also a great               A garden office
                                               –  whether  that’s  a  whole  room  devoted   find,  with  options  including                Dedicated garden studios are
                                               to your workspace, or a spare corner, it’s   drop-leaf  desks  that  can  be                 a  real  investment,  but  with  the
                                               certainly not a good idea to work from your   pushed back to the wall when                   increase  in  homeworking,  it’s
                                               sofa in the long term.                       not  in  use,  as  well  as  cabinet            something  we’re  seeing  more
                                                                                            desks that you can literally                    and  more  of  when  properties
                                               So, whether you’ve got a whole room to       close the door on at the end                    come  onto  the  market.  If  you
                                               turn  into  a  home  office,  or  if  you  need   of the day, so you could place             simply  don’t  have  the  space
                                               to  be  more  inventive  with  your  available   them  in  any  room  that  you              inside your home, but you have a
                                               space,  we’ve  got  options  to  suit  every   have space in.                     big garden and enough budget in the pot, then a
                                               requirement.                                                                      garden studio makes a fantastic home office.
                                                                                            A dedicated spare room
                                               No space?                                    If  you’re  lucky  enough  to  have  an  empty   Prices vary depending on the spec, but you
                                               If you think you’ve got nowhere to house     bedroom,  you  can  create  a  stylish  and   should  budget  around  £10,000-£15,000  for
                                               a home office, it’s time to get creative. This   practical space that feels like a joy to spend   a standard garden studio, plus an additional
                                               might mean that you need to work from a      eight hours in. Most of us need rooms to be   budget for furnishing. While it’s a hefty
                                               room that already has a dedicated purpose    multifunctional, so if your home office is going   outlay,  it  can  add  value  to  your  property  in
                                               – such as your kitchen, dining room or even   to double as a guest room or storage space,   the  long  term,  and  it  also  means  you  can
                                               a  bedroom  -  but  this  doesn’t  mean  you   think about what you can do to accommodate   separate your workspace from your home life
     Earth wall desk, £699,
                                               can’t create a stylish, practical space.     all its requirements.                in a tangible way.
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