Page 48 - ESPC_Oct24
P. 48


                Lights, camera,

                                action                                                         Dunfermline Abbey

                                                                                               Credit: TreasureGalore/

                                                                                               Fife                                  West Lothian
              We highlight some of the region’s most famous filming locations,               Of course, when you think of St Andrews, you   Outlaw King used Linlithgow Palace as the
                 in case you’re hunting for a home with Hollywood history...                 can’t help but hear the music from Chariots of   setting  for  the  chapel,  with  the  palace’s
                                                                                             Fire. The iconic race scene was filmed on the   historical  architecture  creating  the  ideal
                                                                                             beautiful West Sands Beach back in 1965.  backdrop.
          cotland is famous for its stunning scenery     Edinburgh                           St Andrews also appeared in the final season   Hopetoun  Estate,  particularly  Hopetoun
          and historical buildings, which is why it’s a   As one of the most beautiful capital cities in   of The Crown, recreating real life as it depicted   House,  was  the  perfect  choice  to  act  as
      Spopular choice as a backdrop for film and   the world, with a mix of Georgian and medieval   the  period  where  Prince  William  met  The   various settings throughout all three series
       television. Hundreds of movies and TV series   architecture, Edinburgh is a natural choice for   Princess of Wales at the University.   of Outlander.
       have been filmed across the country over the   a huge variety of filming requirements.
       decades, making iconic locations of some of                                           The hugely popular TV adaption of Fifer Val     Borders
       the places chosen to appear.                                                          McDermid’s  Karen  Pirie  was  also  filmed  in
                                            The  Old  Town  has  appeared  in  movies                                              The  tranquil  St  Abbs  was  the  perfect
                                            including  Avengers:  Infinity  War,  where      St Andrews.
       We’ve highlighted just some of the most   Cockburn Street had a starring role, as well as                                   place  to  become  ‘New  Asgard’  in  Marvel’s
       famous  filming  locations  across  Edinburgh,   TV series such as Rebus and Outlander, where   The movie Outlaw King was filmed in various   Avengers: Endgame, with the village even
       the Lothians, Fife, the Borders and Dumfries &   locations  including  the  Grassmarket,  Victoria   locations  across  Scotland,  but  perhaps  most   now being officially twinned with its fictitious
       Galloway.                                                                             memorable are the scenes set at the beautiful   counterpart.
                                            Street, Signet Library and The Mound looked
                                            spectacular.                                     Dunfermline Abbey.
                                                                                                                                   Beautiful  Duns  Castle  doubled  up  as
                                                                                             Outlander  takes  in  many  historical  and   Balmoral  in  the  much-loved  1997  film  Mrs
                                            Holyrood Park, and more specifically, Arthur’s                                         Brown, starring Dame Judi Dench and Billy
                                            Seat,  were  in  the  spotlight  for  the  recent   picturesque  spots  across  Scotland,  many   Connolly.
                                            Netflix  adaptation  of  One  Day,  highlighting   in  Fife.  Culross,  Falkland,  Aberdour  Castle  in
                                            the stunning views the city has to offer. The    Burntisland, Balgonie Castle in Glenrothes and     Dumfries & Galloway
                                             Grassmarket,  the  Vennel  and  the  College    Dysart  harbour.  You  can  even  book  one  of
                                               Quadrant were also among the picturesque      the guided tours across Fife, which takes you   The  Isle  of  Whithorn  makes  a  memorable
                                                spots chosen to appear in the series.        around the various filming locations.  appearance  in  the  haunting  The  Wicker
                                                                                                                                   Man,  alongside  Creetown,  Gatehouse  and
                                                 Over in the New Town, Princes Street          Midlothian                          Kirkcudbright.
                                                  is famously the backdrop to the iconic     Most famously, Midlothian’s sumptuous
                                                  opening scene of Trainspotting, while      Rosslyn  Chapel  served  as  an  incredibly   Morton Castle, near Thornhill, and spots in
                                                  residents were witness to some             important location in the global smash film The   Lockerbie  make  appearances  in  the  iconic
                                                  exciting car chases and stunts when        Da Vinci Code, starring Tom Hanks. The book   70s film The Thirty Nine Steps, while parts of
                                                  Fast  &  Furious  9  was  filmed  in  the   and subsequent movie made Rosslyn Chapel   the railway line stretching across Dumfries
                                                  city, taking in some of the Old Town’s     even  more  of  a  worldwide  tourist  attraction,   were  used  in  scenes  from  90s  classic
                                                 attractions on the way.                     bringing in plenty of interest all year around.   Mission: Impossible.

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