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Editor’s Letter                                                        ESPC NEWS

 34               Why using a solicitor estate agent
                          makes all the difference

                  ESPC represents solicitor estate agents – but do you know
                              what makes them so beneficial?

             ou’ll  already  know  that  ESPC  exclusively   Knowledge of the local market
 46     Yagency  firms.  Unlike  independent  estate   ESPC solicitor estate agents have access to
             lists properties marketed by solicitor estate
                                               the latest market data, so they can advise
        agents, solicitor estate agents can handle your sale   you  on  the  status  of  the  housing  market,
        and/or purchase under one roof, making the whole   down to the selling prices of homes just like
        experience much smoother.              yours, or homes like the one you’re thinking
 Hello, and welcome to the April issue of ESPC Property & Interiors!  of offering on, to help you make the most
        But that’s not all – here’s a rundown of the reasons   informed decision.
        why  a solicitor estate agent can make all the
 Spring is finally here, and if you, like me, can’t wait to tackle the clutter   difference to your property journey.
 that seems to accumulate every winter and get your home looking fresh   Only solicitor estate agents can use
 for the season ahead, there’s plenty of tips in our Interiors Insider section   ESPC
 – from professional decluttering tips to incorporating the ‘unexpected   A smoother process  ESPC is the first property portal of choice for
 red’ trend into your home, we’ve got you covered.  Solicitor estate agents offer an all-encompassing   buyers and sellers, and you can only have
        approach,  handling  not  just  the  marketing  and   your property listed with us if you use one
        negotiating, but also the legal processes on both   of our solicitor estate agent member firms.
 If the season ahead poses bigger questions than how many books is
 too many, we’ve got plenty for that too. Our expert contributors answer   sides, ensuring a seamless transition from listing to   Market research shows that ESPC is the first
 the quandary of whether to buy a new build or period home on page 14,   place buyers come to look for properties, so
 how a guarantor mortgage works on page 18, and how to get started in   it’s the best place for your home to appear.
                                               With thousands  of househunters  visiting
 Laura      property investment on page 16.  Exceptionally high standards daily, and hundreds of thousands
        Solicitor  estate  agents  are  held  to  the  highest
 We’re also looking at the tender topic of knowing when it’s time to move   standards  of  conduct,  as  mandated  by  the  Law   of property alerts sent each week, you won’t
 Laura Mearns,   on from your home, as well as some of the best areas for culture lovers   Society  of  Scotland.  This  means  that  clients  can   find a better place to market your property.
 Editor  and water babies alike.  trust that they’re in the most professional hands.
        ESPC solicitor estate agents can also agree to even
        higher codes of conduct when signing up to the
 As always, we’re shining a spotlight on some of the most stunning homes   ESPC Charter.
 currently on the market too, so if you’re thinking of making a move this
 spring, you can find your dream next home here, or on
        A higher price for your home
        Market  research  conducted  by  ESPC  reaffirmed
        that solicitor estate agents consistently secure a
 COVER IMAGE: Pooky  All material published in ESPC magazine is copyright   higher average price for property sales, achieving
 ESPC (UK) Ltd: 107 George Street, Edinburgh, EH2 3ES  of the publisher and cannot be reproduced without   3% more of a property’s Home Report valuation
 permission. All advertisements and articles appearing
 TEL: 0131 624 8000  versus non-ESPC agents.
 in this publication are as far as possible checked for
 EDITORIAL: Laura Mearns   accuracy, but persons accepting or offering to accept
 ADVERTISING: Claire Boulton (07498 876315)   goods or services contained in any advertisement or
 EMAIL:   article do so at their own risk.   Ready to get started? Head to
 DESIGN: Melissa Shankland     to find a solicitor estate agent near you.
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