Page 48 - August 2023
P. 48


       My 9-to-5                                                                                        After work I…                 didn’t start the business until I was
                                                                                                        I finish work at 4pm and I am home   30. I think if I hadn’t set it up I would
                                                                                                        by 5pm. I mostly spend my evenings   still work in hospitality in some
       The founder of Edinburgh-based                                                                   playing with my dog and walking him   form as I love the buzz of talking to
       SugarDaddy’s Bakery, Amy                                                                         to The Meadows.               customers.
       Ranaldi, shares her daily life
       and career path.                                                                                 On the weekends there is a lovely   What’s the best piece of career
                                                                                                        Asian street food pop-up place called   advice you’ve been given?
                                                                                                        Sandos that I love going to. I also   My husband always says you are
                                                                                                        love Hau Han at Haymarket.    better than you think you are. I still
                                                                                                                                      feel like it’s just the two of us running
                                                                                                        If I wasn’t the founder of Sugar   a  family  bakery  and  I  can’t  believe
                                                                                                        Daddy’s Bakery, I’d  have been…  how much it has grown.
       Where do you call home?
                                                                                                        I  took  a  while  to  find  my  feet  and
       I live in Morningside but I am hoping to move
       to the countryside  and I want to have a
       garden. Morningside has a reputation as being
       old money but it has a good mixture of people
       and it’s easy to commute to work.
                                                                                                        About Marchmont              There is also a great choice of shops
       My day starts with…                                                                              Marchmont is a mainly residential   and eateries in Marchmont itself, as
       When I first started the business I got up at                                                    area lying approximately one mile   well as the neighbouring districts.
       the crack of dawn but I have more staff now                                                      south of the Old Town adjacent to
       so I don’t come in until 9am after walking the                                                   The Meadows. Due to its location   For avid walkers, runners and
       dog and making a cup of coffee. We did 90                                                        near the city centre it is a popular   cyclists, the vast green space of
       hour weeks when we first started but we have                                                     area to live in. It is within easy walking   the Meadows is just a stone’s throw
       a good work/life balance now.                                                                    distance to both Edinburgh University   away,  while  Arthur’s  Seat  is  also
                                                                                                        and Edinburgh Napier University.  close by.
       My main responsibilities are…
                                                                                                        There are lots of buses available to   With the Dominion cinema in
       It changes day to day but I am still mainly a
       baker. I do social media as well but I make   The best part of my job is…                        transport residents to areas across   Morningside and the Cameo in
       time to be in the kitchen as I get a lot of joy   Trying out the new bakes and talking to the    the capital and the property is within   Tollcross, film buffs will be spoilt for
       out of that.                         customers. Lots of people have cried on their               walking distance of the shops and   choice, while theatre fans have easy
                                            first visit here because they can eat anything.             restaurants  of  both  the  Old  Town   access to the Church Hill, Kings and
                                            I like making people happy through cake.                    and New Town.                Festival theatres.
       I got my job…
       I set up the bakery with my husband. We have
       both always worked in hospitality and we met   My most memorable career moment
       in a café. We started talking about creating   is…                                     £396,322 average    101% of Home Report      The median days to under
       our own business and it came to fruition in   Having  to  move  to  bigger  premises  –  we   selling price  valuation attained     offer is 62 days
       2015. Nowhere else in Edinburgh was selling   started off on Rodney Street in Canonmills
       gluten free cakes and now we have regulars   but it was too small and and we got a bigger
       who come from Aberdeen every two weeks.  premises in Marchmont.                      (Figures are based on properties marketed and sold through ESPC. Home Report valuations relate to properties where the
                                                                                            Home Report was available on Figures relate to the six-month period ending on 31/07/2023).

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