Page 13 - ESPC_Dec24
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 Last remaining homes

 now available at

 Rowanbank Gardens, Edinburgh

 Reserve now and move in 2025 for a very Happy New Year!

 owanbank  Gardens,  Artisan  Real  And buyers wanting to snap up one of the
 Estate’s multi award-winning residential   last few remaining two and three-bedroom
 Rdevelopment in Corstorphine, Edinburgh   apartments can reserve now, with just a deposit
 has just 24 homes remaining for sale.   before Christmas, to secure the price on their
 new home and move in after the New Year.
                                                    Have a Happy New Year at Rowanbank Gardens
 Following a busy autumn, three quarters of
 all apartments available for private sale have   “It’s been a hugely successful year for
 now been sold. The completed development   Rowanbank  Gardens,”  says  Izzy  Bastiani,   The development has been recognised as   while its superb design and sustainability
 now provides the highest standard of living   Regional Sales Associate Scotland at Artisan   setting new industry standards for sustainable,   credentials have been recognised by winning
 both inside and out, whilst enjoying a deserved   Real Estate Limited. “And, with sales currently   low-carbon development, challenging many   best Scottish Residential Development at the
 reputation  for excellence  in  sustainable  living   buoyant, buyers can act now to secure prices   of the traditional norms associated with new   Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) awards.
 and environmental performance.   for one of the last remaining plots by reserving   apartment buildings in city centre areas.
 before Christmas - then making it a very happy   It  is  one  of  the  first  large  developments  in   The development was also selected as the
 2025 by moving in after the New Year.”  Scotland to employ individual air source   only residential development in the top five of
         heat pumps in all apartments, providing both   Scotland’s ‘inspiring’ buildings for 2024 by the
 “We are all delighted that our ambitions in   heating and domestic hot water.  Humanise Movement, a global architectural
 enabling Rowanbank Gardens to become a       campaign launched by celebrated designer
 blueprint  for  high  quality  sustainable  living   And all new homes include oak hardwood   and architect Thomas Heatherwick to make
 are  now  being  fulfilled.  On  all  metrics,  it   floors  and  carpets  throughout  -  plus  fully   cities ‘more joyful and engaging’ through the
 continues to deliver.  Home sales are buoyant,   fitted kitchens with the latest contemporary   design of buildings.
 with more than three-quarters now sold. And   appliances and worktops supplied by
 environmental performance is outstanding   Kitchens  International.  Buyers  also  benefit   Prices  for  a  two-bedroom  apartment  start
 thanks to Artisan’s wholesale commitment to   from  stylish  fully  fitted  bathrooms  -  with   from  £328,000  with  a  three-bedroom  from
 achieving zero carbon low-cost living.”   everything covered by a two-year trouble-  £430,000.  To  experience  this  award-winning
         free warranty.                       development for yourself and to discuss
 Artisan’s significant investment in supremely   the incentives currently available, book
 cost-effective energy efficiency as well as high   Rowanbank Gardens  was  awarded  the   an appointment through the Rowanbank
 quality living space and amenity is proving   prestigious Apartment Development of the   Gardens’ website at
 Welcome home! Artisan’s Izzy Bastiani at Rowanbank Gardens  attractive to value-savvy buyers.   Year title at the 2024 Scottish Homes Awards,   or call 0131 516 3302.

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