Page 40 - ESPC_Dec24
P. 40

          Colour me happy

               Interior designer Terian Tilston found her perfect family home
                   on ESPC, in a location she hadn’t considered before.

                                                                                                 ollowing  the  birth  of  their  first  child   our boxes: four bedrooms, a garage, two living
                                                                                                 back  in  2016,  interior  designer  Terian   rooms  and  two  bathrooms.  We  didn’t  have
                                                                                            F Tilston and her husband Sam were    a particular style of home in mind; we were
                                                                                            keen to find a bigger home for their family to   quite open to exploring anything that suited
                                                                                            grow into. Already the owners of a bungalow   our requirements in terms of functionality. We
                                                                                            in Cupar, the couple started their search for a   weren’t  familiar  with  the area,  and it  wasn’t
                                                                                            larger property in the town – but after a year   really where we wanted to be, so we didn’t
                                                                                            of searching on and off, their perfect property   have high hopes but thought we would just
                                                                                            appeared in a location they hadn’t thought   take a drive around the village to check it out.”
                                                                                            about before.
                                                                                                                                  Terian and Sam duly explored the village, and
                                                                                            “Our son Harrison was getting older, and we   to their surprise, found that it was actually
                                                                                            were on the lookout for something bigger,”   everything they’d been looking for. “I fell in
                                                                                            Terian explains. “We kept an eye on the ESPC   love with the rural location and the country
                                                                                            website for a home in Cupar, where we thought   views straightaway – and when we viewed the
                                                                                            we would stay, but we started to see a few   house, we just loved it,” says Terian. “As soon
                                                                                            properties pop up in the surrounding areas and   as I walked into the extension (which is like a
                                                                                            did some exploring to get to know the areas a   sunroom), I could see straight over to fields,
                                                                                            bit better before booking viewings.”  and the space just had an amazing feel to it. I
                                                                                                                                  knew the whole house had potential for us to
                                                                                            One  of  the  couples’  searches  on   personalise it, it was a complete blank canvas.
                                                                                            brought up one such property – a detached   It was in amazing condition too, which was
                                                                                            house in a village just outside of St Andrews   perfect at the time, as we had just had a baby
                                                                                            that they hadn’t visited previously. “This   and wanted to be able to move in without any
                                                                                            property came up, and on paper it ticked all of   dramatic renovations needed.”

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