Page 15 - February 2024
P. 15
NEW BUILD True Value – Fully fitted kitchens and oak flooring
The ‘True Value’ come as standard at Rowanbank Gardens
of buying an Artisan Home
Buyers set to save ‘thousands’ when buying an apartment at
Rowanbank Gardens, Edinburgh.
iche developer Artisan Real Estate impressed by the combination of high-
has revealed the true value of quality living, immaculate environmental
Npurchasing a new apartment at its credentials and central location. And now,
award-winning development at Rowanbank following feedback from new homeowners,
Gardens, Edinburgh, with buyers set to save Artisan is revealing that as well as enjoying a
thousands of pounds over the longer-term. sustainable and high quality of life at the new
development, buyers are also saving money.
Artisan is currently delivering 93 apartments
for private sale at the Corstorphine site, David Westwater, Artisan’s Development
set around a large garden space filled with Director for Scotland explains: “When
fruit trees and communal planting beds. you buy an Artisan home at Rowanbank
The development is now welcoming its Gardens, you aren’t just getting a high-
first residents - just over two years after quality sustainable apartment in a city-
construction started - with completion centre location. You are also benefiting “We took the decision to include the He added: “Buying a two-bed apartment
scheduled for spring this year. from a hidden value that could save you highest quality furnishings and fittings as at Rowanbank Gardens could save around
£720 per year on energy costs, when
standard, rather than charge extra like some
thousands of pounds - from when you first other house builders do. This includes oak compared to similar properties elsewhere.
More than half of all apartments have move into your new apartment, and in the hardwood floors and carpets throughout the Which adds up to £3600 over a typical five-
already been snapped up by savvy buyers, longer-term.
apartment, plus fully fitted kitchens with the year period. Combine this with the savings
latest contemporary appliances and worktops you are already making with all the added-
supplied by Kitchens International. You also value extras provided as standard, and
Nearing Completion - Rowanbank Gardens get stylish bathrooms - with everything you will soon start to see the true value of
in Corstorphine, Edinburgh covered by a two-year trouble-free warranty. buying and living in an Artisan home.”
“But as well as benefiting straight away from Prices for a one-bedroom apartment at
this high value capital investment, buyers Rowanbank Gardens start from £245,000,
also gain over the longer term by saving with a two-bedroom from £325,000 and a
money with running costs. Each apartment three-bedroom from £420,000.
benefits from a state-of-the-art air source
heat pump energy system, which captures
the warm air within the home and then uses To discuss the incentives currently available
it to provide cheap and efficient heating, or to book an appointment at the Rowanbank
as well as piping hot water. As a result of Gardens show home, visit the development
such smart technology, energy costs at website at or call
Rowanbank Gardens are proving to be 0131 516 3302.
almost half that of the UK market average.”
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