Page 26 - February 2024
P. 26


                                                                                              West Lothian
                                                                                                                                                        North Berwick
                                                                                            61%  of  homes  in  West  Lothian  have  been
                                                                                            considered  as  suitable  for  heat  pump
                                                                                            retrofitting.  Just  over  50,000  properties  were
                                                                                            assessed  as  ‘highly  suited’,  while  around
                                                                                            15,000 were deemed to be appropriately suited
                                                                                            following ‘moderate’ upgrades.

                                                                                            The  West  Lothian  locations  with  the  highest
                                                                                            number  of  properties  suitable  for  heat  pump     East Lothian
                                                                                            installation  are  Winchburgh,  Bridgend  &
                                                                                            Philpstoun, Blackridge, Westfield & Torphichen   East  Lothian’s  LHEES  was  deemed  among
                                                                                            and Linlithgow South.                the  most  impressive  strategies  submitted;  it
                                                                                                                                 won  a  Holyrood  Climate  Action  award  for  its
                                                                                            West  Lothian’s  LHEES  identified  14  potential   innovative approach to the issues at hand.
                                                                                            heat network zones, including the areas around
                                                                                            the following locations: Polkemmet Mine Water   East Lothian already has 26 heating networks
                                                                                            Treatment  Works;  Bathgate’s  Regal  Theatre;   that  could  potentially  be  decarbonised.
                                                                                            the  Pyramids  business  park;  Glen  Turner   Alongside  this,  a  nearby  heat  network  in
         Edinburgh                                                                          distillery; Livingston centre; Brucefield industrial   Midlothian, designed to support Shawfair Town,
       In its LHEES, Edinburgh City Council confirmed   Heriot-Watt, Sighthill & Gyle, Ingliston, South   park; West Calder High School; Dickson Court   could also be exported to East Lothian.
       the  challenges  faced  in  terms  of  upgrading   Queensferry, and Second New Town.  and Stewart Court in West Calder; Inveralmond
       the  city’s  heating  systems.  91%  of  homes  in                                   High  School;  Houston  Industrial  Estate;   The LHEES estimates that heat network zones
       Edinburgh  are  currently  fuelled  by  gas,  but   A variety of heat sources have been identified   Broxburn  Library;  Broxburn  Xcite;  and  East   could support 80% of homes in East Lothian,
       that’s not all – 69% of Edinburgh homes are   for ‘district heating’. These include taking heat   Mains Industrial Estate.  and 97% of the properties currently fuelled by
       flats, and half of all homes in Edinburgh are   from  the  sewers  running  beneath  the  city,                           gas. Proposals include a coastal heat network,
       in mixed tenure buildings, which could cause   water-source heat pumps taking heat from the                               based at the former Cockenzie Power Station,
       issues  when  it  comes  to  fitting  heat  pumps   Firth of Forth or the Almond, heat from Seafield   Linlithgow         which would deliver heated water through an
       or  other  equipment.  Plus,  25%  of  Edinburgh   Waste Water Treatment works and from water                             extensive network of insulated pipes. Alongside
       properties are in conservation areas – an issue   in  disused  mines,  waste  incineration,  and                          this,  a  waste  heat  network  is  proposed,  that
       ESPC flagged in Autumn 2023, when we called   using  waste  heat  from  breweries,  bakeries,                             would use heat from Viridor’s waste incinerator,
       for  better  support  for  homeowners  living  in   distilleries, and supermarkets.                                       located  near  Dunbar.  A  mine  water  heat
       protected buildings.                                                                                                      network has also been proposed.
                                            Edinburgh  City  Council  has  also  named  ten
       Part  of  Edinburgh’s  strategy  involved   priority  areas  for  delivery  of  air-source  heat                          In  terms  of  heat  pump  zones,  East  Lothian’s
       identifying  17  ‘heat  network  zones’,  which   pumps,  which  are  primarily  mid-rise  or  high-                      more rural areas present more of a challenge.
       span much of the city. These are: New Town,   rise  blocks.  These  are:  Lochend  Butterfly                              Where  residents  rely  on  oil  or  LPG  (liquid
       Leith Walk, Old Town & Southside, Gorgie &   Way,  Waterfront  Park,  Robertson  Avenue,                                  petroleum gas), the more likely solution offered
       Dalry, Craigleith, Granton, Leith, Portobello &   Fountainbridge, Oxgangs Avenue, West Pilton                             by  East  Lothian’s  LHEES  is  electric-powered
       Seafield,  Morningside,  South  East  Edinburgh,   Grove,  Craigour  Place,  Elgin  Street,  Morrison                     heat pumps over connection to heat networks,
       Colinton  Mains,  South  West  Edinburgh,     Crescent, and Craighouse Gardens.                                           although the strategy does suggest that heat
                                                                                                                                 networks on a smaller scale may be introduced,
                                                                                                                                 using communal heat pumps. Heat pump zone
                                                                                                                                 villages  include  Drem,  East  Saltburn,  Garvald,
           The consultation for residents’ feedback on Edinburgh’s LHEES closes on 18 February                                   Gifford,  Humbie,  Innerwick,  Oldhamstocks,
           2024. To give your views on the proposals, visit                                    Spott, Tyninghame, Stenton, West Saltoun, and

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