Page 14 - July 2023
P. 14

                                                                                            mixing contemporary style with vibrant colours,   “It’s great to be  able to  now  reveal to  our
                                                                                            soft furnishings and eye-catching furniture.  purchasers exactly what they have bought.
                                                                                                                                 And so far, their reaction as they walk in has
                                                                                            “What first hit me about the show home was   been amazing to see - especially when they
                                                                                            the sheer amount of space I had to play with,”   experience the light and airy living spaces for
                                                                                            explains Carol. “High ceilings coupled with floor   the first time, as well as the quality of the natural
                                                                                            to  ceiling  windows  allows  an  abundance  of   oak flooring and the fittings in the kitchen and
                                                                                            natural light to flood the living areas. The open-  bathroom, all of which come as standard.”
                                                                                            plan kitchen and lounge space have a nice
                                                                                            balance, allowing me to experiment with larger   Visitors to the new show home can also
                                                                                            items of furniture, art and soft furnishings.”   discover more about Rowanbank Garden’s
                                                                                                                                 award-winning commitment to achieving zero
                                                                                            With a prominent location at the heart of   carbon low-cost living. It’s one of the first large
                                                                                            Corstorphine, Rowanbank Gardens has proved   developments in Scotland to employ individual
                                                                                            to  be  a  popular  destination  for  first-time   air source heat pumps in all apartments,
                                                                                            buyers and downsizers wanting to live in well-  providing both heating and domestic hot water.
                                                                                            connected,  vibrant  community  just  minutes
                                                                                            from the city centre. The development is set   As a result, energy costs have been predicted
                                                                                            around a large, landscaped garden space filled   to cost up to 60% less than other new build
                                                                                            with fruit trees and communal planting beds.   apartments in the surrounding area, with
                                                                                            Work  began  in  summer  2021  and  the  first   research showing that average annual hot
                                                                                            move-ins are expected in late summer.    water and heating costs for a two-bedroom
       New Show Home                             he new show home and marketing suite                                            apartment could be as low as £775 per year, or
                                                 at  Artisan  Real  Estate’s  Rowanbank
       Opens at Rowanbank                   TGardens is now open, giving home               “We  are  definitely  going  for  the  ‘wow  factor’   less than £65 per month.*
                                                                                            with the launch of our new show home,” says
                                            buyers  the  opportunity  to  experience  first-
       Gardens, Edinburgh                   hand one of Edinburgh’s most anticipated new    Izzy Bastiani, Artisan’s New Homes Sales   Prices for  a one-bedroom apartment  at
                                            homes’ developments.                            Advisor. “More than a third of all apartments   Rowanbank Gardens start from £245,000, with
                                                                                            have already been snapped up by savvy buyers,   a  two-bedroom  from  £325,000  and  a  three-
       Spectacular apartment combines a     Described as a ‘spectacular blueprint for low   impressed by the combination of high-quality   bedroom from £422,500.
       high quality of life with a low cost   carbon living,’ Rowanbank Gardens is currently   living, immaculate environmental credentials
       of living.                           delivering  93  apartments  for  private  sale  on   and central location.           To book an appointment at the Rowanbank
                                            Gylemuir Road, in the popular Edinburgh                                              Gardens show home, visit the development
                                            suburb of Corstorphine.                                                              website at or call
                                                                                                                                 0131 516 3302.
                                            Artisan recently scooped the inaugural
                                            ‘Excellence in Sustainability’ prize at this
                                            year’s Scottish Homes Awards. And while the
                                            developer has been busy making headlines                                     High ceilings coupled with floor to
                                            for the impeccable environmental credentials
                                            of its developments, the show home launch                                   ceiling windows allows an abundance
                                            also provides the perfect platform to highlight
                                            the high quality of life to be experienced at                              of natural light to flood the living areas.
                                            Rowanbank Gardens.
                                                                                                                                Carol Yates,  Scottish interior designer
                                            Designed  by  renowned  Scottish  interior
                                            designer Carol Yates, the striking two-bedroom
                                            show apartment brings the development to life,
                                                                                                                         *Based on a typical two-bedroom apartment - figures correct as of Q4 2022.
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