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               The House Price Report: June 2024

              We share the latest property market data from across Edinburgh,
                           the Lothians, Fife and the Borders.

             SPC’S CEO, Paul  Hilton,  talks  us   overall; one-bedroom flats here cost £61,956
             through the latest developments in   on average.
        E the  property  market  during  April-
         June 2024.                         “The amount that buyers are willing to bid
                                            above  the  official  Home  Report  valuation
         “During April-June 2024, the average   has shifted significantly in the last two years.
         property selling price across Edinburgh, the   This has certainly been the case during April-
         Lothians, Fife and the Borders was £280,419.   June: 74% of properties sold for at least their
                                            Home Report valuation, down from 80%
         “West  Fife  &  Kinross  saw  the  biggest  leap   the previous year, indicating that higher
         in average property prices, jumping 8%   numbers of buyers were able to purchase
         year-on-year to £220,715. By contrast, East   a property without paying significantly over   clear alignment with the volume of properties
         Lothian experienced the largest dip, with   the odds.                              coming onto the market – up 14% on the same
         a 4% decline meaning an average price of                                           time last year. Coinciding with this, we’re seeing   140
         £283,066; after years of exceptionally high   “For  properties  that  did sell  above  their   very healthy levels of sales too, with sales   solicitor estate agents
         prices (mostly driven by buyers paying   Home Report valuation (which was the case   volumes up 17% on April-June 2023, meaning
         premiums) it’s not unexpected to see East   in the vast majority), buyers paid an average   the market overall is thriving.  ready to help you buy and sell homes
         Lothian  settle  back  down  in  line  with  the   of 102%, which is down 1.3 percentage points                            Over
         regional averages.                 annually.
                                                                                            “At the risk of sounding repetitive, yet again   2,700
                                                                                            two-bedroom flats in Leith were the top-selling
         “Galashiels in the Scottish Borders was   “With the reduction in the amount of                                             homes for sale
         home to the most affordable property type   Home Report valuation paid, we can see a   property type, closely followed by one-bed flats
                                                                                            in Leith. This is a trend that shows no sign of   650,000
                                                                                            slowing down, with buyers continuing to snap
                                                                                            up homes in this fashionable neighbourhood.  My ESPC emails sent during June
          Key points  £280,419                                                              “It’s not unexpected to see selling times slow   “Overall, the market offers much to be positive

               average selling price
                                                                                            down as buyers enjoy more time to view the
                                                                                            increasing  numbers  of  properties  available.
                                                                                                                                 about once more. The market is healthy and
               Prices increased 0.3% during April-June
                                                                                            During April-June, the median selling time was
                                                                                            23 days, four days slower than last year but still   busy, with solid volumes of insertions and
                                                                                                                                 sales, while we’re seeing some consistency in
                                                                                            shows that homes are selling just over three   average selling prices that help to make the
               102%                            23 days                                      weeks after coming onto the market, which is a   market easier to navigate. As ever, I would
                                                                                            very healthy pace.
               average percentage of Home      median time to sell                                                               always recommend speaking to your local
               Report valuation achieved                                                                                         ESPC solicitor estate agent if you’re thinking
                                                                                            “23% of properties for sale went to a closing   of buying or selling a home in Edinburgh, the
               1 percentage point lower than last   Four days slower than the same          date, which is 4% less than the same time last   Lothians, Fife and the Borders, to get the most
               year, in good news for buyers.  time last year.                              year and very indicative of the climate with so   up-to-date and informed local knowledge
                                                                                            many properties coming onto the market.   and advice.”

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