Page 50 - June 2023
P. 50


                                                                                                                             Here  are  five  ways  in  which  you  can  incorporate
                                                                                                                             comfort into your home.
       comfortcore                                                                                                           Tactile textures
       Ways to embrace
                                                                                                                             Ensure  your living  space is  layered with  plenty  of
                                                                                                                             soft, snug, comfy textures to create the feeling of a
                                                                                                                             warm hug to welcome you home. Think teddy bear,
                                                                                                                             boucle, cotton, chenille, linen, faux fur and velvet. A
                                                                                                                             mix of textures will amp up the comfortcore factor.

                                                                                                                             Are you sitting comfortably?
                                                                                                                             Give existing dining chairs a comfy upgrade, with the
                                                                                                                             simple addition of a cushioned seat pad for chairs
          The past few years have been full of                                                                               or a dining bench. Available in a variety of colours,
       challenges such as Covid and the cost-of-                                                                             materials and patterns, it’s a cost-effective, easy way
        living crisis, making us crave comfort and                                                                           to bring stylish comfort to your dining space.
                  stability at home.
                                                                                                                             One-pot wonder
                                                                                                                             Food is often at the heart of celebrations, bringing
                                                                                                                             family and friends together to make memories
                                                                                                                             over  mealtimes.  Having  a  cast-iron  casserole  dish
              ith many facing economic challenges, our                                                                       in your cupboard provides you with the ultimate
              homes have become spaces of comfort                                                                            kitchen companion for all kinds of dishes, from
       Wso it’s no surprise that the comfortcore                                                                             stews to roasts, baked goods and more. Enabling
       trend has taken off. It’s the idea that interior design                                                               you to serve from the oven straight to the table, it
       shouldn’t sacrifice comfort in the name of aesthetics,                                                                has comfort appeal at any time of the year – from
       that both can be achieved at the same time. Similar                                                                   warming casseroles to summer paella.
       to the hygge trend of the 2010s, comfortcore
       embraces cosiness as a key part of its aesthetic.                                                                     Nostalgic comfort
                                                                                                                             Part of making a house feel like a home is putting your
       Research from Wayfair and YouGov found that                                                                           own stamp on it, but this isn’t necessarily all about the
       more people want the home to be a place where                                                                         style of décor, furniture or the accessories. Whether
       they  feel  safe  (69%),  want  to  relax  (67%)  and                                                                 it’s putting race medals on display for achievements
       connect with family and friends (53%). Meanwhile,                                                                     you’re proud of, your toddlers latest work of art in
       56% of respondents surveyed stated that ‘good                                                                         pride  of  place  on  the  fridge,  or  filling  frames  with
       interior design’ means ‘something comfortable’, with                                                                  photos of loved ones or favourite places, these small
       seating coming out on top as the home item most                                                                       but important touches can bring joy to a space and
       worthy of financial investment (51%).                                                                                 make it feel lived in and loved.

       Wayfair’s Resident Style Advisor, Nadia McCowan Hill,                                                                 Mindful me-time
       says: “After more than two years of turbulence, we’re                                                                 Make the most of time at home by slowing down and
       looking  to  our  homes  for  comfort  and  reprieve.  At                                                             pressing pause, which will definitely be encouraged
       one end of the spectrum, it’s the little budget-busting                                                               with Insta-favourite, a wooden bath caddy. Perfect
       accents in bold colours that are lifting our mood, while                                                              for holding a drink along with your current favourite
       at the other, we’re drawing moments of calm from                                                                      read, it’s the ideal pairing with a spa-like bubble bath
       whisper-soft tones and curved cocoon-like forms.”                                                                     to upgrade your me-time.

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