Page 39 - June 2022
P. 39


 Timeless style

                                                                                Credit: Sheraton Interiors
 Whether you’re buying, selling or staying put for now, why not
 overhaul your interiors with a classically elegant look?

 hen you’re buying or selling a home,   If you’re selling your home, or just thinking of
 you’ll likely come across the term   a way to overhaul your interiors, opting for a
 W‘neutral décor’ more times than you   timelessly elegant look is the best way to create
 care to admit. And while this can mean fresh,   a design scheme that would not only appeal
 airy, inspiring interiors, sometimes, this actually   to a wide range of buyers, but also creates a
 means stripping back your own personality and   soothing, comfortable home environment for
 colour palette to try and create a ‘suits-all’ feel   you to enjoy, that won’t date when the time   Think about a couple of complementary colours
 – which can leave you feeling a bit, well, beige.  comes to list your home for sale.
                        that can work with your base shade to add
 So, how do you create a timeless interiors look,   interest to your scheme – perhaps a plaster pink,
 without falling into bland territory?
                     a sage green or a duck-egg blue, which all have
 PICK THE PERFECT PALETTE         an enduring popularity.
 Sticking to a limited colour palette is a great
 way to create a timeless, elegant feel in your   Siobhan Doherty, Homestead
 home that still hints at your own sense of taste.

 For a timeless, neutral scheme, shades of
 white, cream and beige can all work together   USE TEXTURE TO ADD PERSONALITY  ACCESSORISING IN STYLE
 to create a fresh, airy feel, even in a darker   Don’t be fooled into thinking that just because   The key to truly timeless interiors is to not lean
 room, as long as you choose the right hue.  your walls are now light, bright and simple, you   too heavily on current trends, as it can quickly
        can’t do anything but embrace a minimalist feel.   date your home and lead to you feeling the
 Opt for colours that work with the age and   You can easily bring warmth and character into   need to update your interiors more often.
 style of your home, but most importantly,   your space with a clever selection of accessories,
 think about the kind of light each room   but again, think about the style of your home as   Instead, try to mix and match to create a style
 receives, so that you can select a shade that   well as your own personal taste. If you prefer a   that’s bespoke to you, without being too trendy.
 complements it. For example, in a north-  classical look, try silk textures, opulent lamps or   Bringing in hints of current styles to contrast
 facing room, choose something with a   candlesticks, and adding beautiful vases filled   with antiques or more classical pieces instantly
 warmer, yellow-based tone to bounce light   with flowers or greenery. If your taste leans a   creates an elegant look – think contemporary
 around the room. If it’s a south-facing space,     little more rustic, your neutral scheme can be   artworks in beautiful vintage frames, or
 a shade with a cooler, blue or grey-toned base   brought to life with wools, velvets, woods and   swapping out a glass coffee table for a sleek,
 can help to create a tranquil, breezy feel.   rattans, to lend a natural feel.  mid-century design.

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