Page 48 - June 2022
P. 48


                                                                                            interiors  once  the  building  was  finalised,  so  I   If I wasn’t an interior designer, I’d have
       My 9-to-5                                                                            became a visual merchandising manager for   been…
                                                                                            Space NK to get more interiors experience. It   Probably an architect – it would have also been
       The Brighton-based Scottish interior                                                 gave me a brilliant understanding of rolling out   a wonderful job!
       designer, Barbara Ramani, shares her                                                 design, but it didn’t fulfil me creatively.
       daily life and career path.                                                                                               What’s the best piece of career advice
                                                                                            After my first son was born, I began doing small   you’ve been given?
                                                                                            interior design projects for free, to start my
       Where do you call home?                                                              portfolio. One client sold the property I styled   I have two. Firstly, ‘do what you love’. It sounds
                                                                                                                                 like a greetings card, but I realised I’d never be
       Brighton – my husband and our two boys                                               and then asked me to take on the design for   successful or happy in a job that I didn’t care
       moved here in 2019, after 12 years in London.                                        their next home as my first paid commission – I   about - we spend the majority of our lives
       We’re originally from Glasgow and moved to                                           jumped at the chance and since then, work has   working so it’s important to do something that
       London together. We’d always loved Brighton’s                                        always come in.                      brings joy.
       playful, creative vibe and craved the fresh air
       and the seaside. We do miss Glasgow, so we’re                                        The best part of my job is…
       often back to get our fill of family banter!   Barbara Ramani                        Finding the sweet spot where I’ve nudged   Secondly, ‘don’t be afraid to fail’. My career has
                                                                                                                                 come on leaps and bounds when I’ve taken a
                                                       Interior designer                    clients out of their comfort zone and showed   risk and even failed. I’ve learned more from my
       My day starts with…                                                                  them the potential of their home. It’s incredibly   failures than I have my successes, so I’m not
       My  two-year-old screaming  for  milk at about                                       rewarding when they can relax and be   afraid to make mistakes!
       6am! I’d love to say I do yoga, drink smoothies                                      confident  that  every  detail  they’re  about  to
       and skip out the door in high heels, but the   concept presentation, where I use 3D models   spend their hard-earned money on will be
       absolute opposite happens – from 6-9am I’m   so my clients can ‘walk through’ their space   absolutely perfect.           You  can  find  out  more  about  Barbara’s
       a slave to my boys! I throw on a bit of makeup,   and get a real idea of the feel and function. I                         work at, and
       hustle the boys out to nursery and school,   could be working on budget management,   My most memorable career moment is…  catch Interior Design Masters with Alan Carr on
       and start working just after 9am - not before a   obtaining quotes and sourcing items for a   After three years building my business, I was   BBC iPlayer.
       coffee and popping on earrings and red lippy.  budget breakdown.
                                                                                            chosen to be a contestant on Interior Design
                                                                                            Masters with Alan Carr on the BBC, which took
       My main responsibilities are…        Sometimes, I have site visits to check on       things to the next level. I was then asked to
       Designing  interiors  to  be  a  true  reflection  of   progress, or I might be sourcing bespoke art.   work  as  the  design  producer  on  Channel  5’s
       who my clients are and how they live. I take   I’ve also worked on television design production   Dream Home Makeovers with Sophie Robinson
       many projects from concept to installation,   – which is like normal interior design, but on   – I’ve followed her work for a long time so that
       managing sourcing, procurement and budget/  super speed!                             was a starstruck moment for me.
       project management. It’s my responsibility
       to  allow  clients to  relax  and  let  their dream   I got my job…                  After work I…
       interiors come to life around them, and I   After being surrounded by inspirational interior   Brush off stress with a long jog through the
       take their vision and channel that into an   design growing up. My mother was a curtain   South Downs, and I go sea-swimming with
       environment that’s inspiring, welcoming and   maker and upholsterer, and I got to go with   friends every weekend. In the evenings, my
       completely bespoke.                  her to jobs in grand houses and castles. Her    husband and I book a babysitter and head out
                                            passion for design meant our home was always    to one of many amazing restaurants in Brighton
       A typical working day usually involves…  beautiful!                                  –  we  love  Burnt  Orange, The  Flint  House,
       Different stages  of different  projects  at one                                     Murmur, Kindling and The Coal Shed – or we
       time! I may have Zoom consultations, where   I  adored  studying  architecture  at  Glasgow’s   might go to a comedy night at the Komedia. If
       I demonstrate design ideas to help clients   Mackintosh School of Art, but I always felt   we’re in Glasgow, we love Ox & Finch or Rioja
       visualise the space. Or I may be creating a   disappointed that I couldn’t get stuck into the   in Finnieston.

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