Page 35 - March 2024
P. 35


 What is a gifted deposit?  What are the requirements for   However, you should bear in mind
 A gifted deposit is where a mortgage   gifting the money?  the laws around inheritance tax when
 is supplemented by a deposit that a   The recipient will need to inform their   deciding  on  the  final  figure,  as  your
 family member (usually parents or   mortgage lender and their solicitor   child may be liable to pay tax on the
 grandparents) has given the money   that their deposit has been wholly or   amount you give to them under certain
 for. The amount can either cover the   partially gifted to them.   circumstances.
 full deposit or part of it and allows
 the recipient to get better access   One  of  the  most  important  A gifted deposit is tax-free for the
 to mortgage deals and potentially   requirements of giving money for   recipient, but this only applies providing
 lower monthly repayments, thereby   a house deposit is that you, as the   that you (the person who has given
 making daily life more affordable   provider, must supply a written   the money) doesn’t pass away within
 and helping them to get onto the   declaration  which states that the   seven years of gifting the funds. If
 property ladder in the first place.               you did pass away within seven years,
                    money is a gift and is not required to   and  your estate  is  worth  more  than
                    be paid back to you. This declaration   £325,000 (including the amount given
 In  the  current  financial   should also state that the money given
 climate, this is a  gift  that   does not grant the person giving the   for the deposit), then the recipient will
 could be truly invaluable to the   money any rights to the property.   be liable to pay inheritance tax, which
 recipient, who may be struggling to               could be as much as 40%.
 save a large enough deposit to counter   Your declaration  should also  clearly
 the property market and challenging   state who you are and your relationship   What if my child is buying with
 mortgage conditions.                              someone else?
                    to the recipient, how much money is
                    being given and where it has come   If your child is purchasing a property
 It is important to note that when gifting   from. You’ll need to declare you’re of   with a partner, you might be concerned
 a deposit, it must be exactly that: a gift.   sound mind, and have an impartial   about what would happen to the
 You cannot expect this money to be   witness sign the declaration too.   money given if they decided to part
 paid back to you; if so, your gift counts         ways. You can protect your gift to your
 as a loan, and the recipient’s lender   Most mortgage advisors can provide   child by having a solicitor draw up a
 will consider this when conducting   a template letter for you, or you could   document called a Deed of Trust. This
 affordability calculations. So, before   have your solicitor draw one up.   specifies  that  the  money  was  given
 you proceed, you must make sure that              to your child, and not their partner.
 this is money you can afford to give              Therefore, if the couple were to split up
 away freely, without expectation of its   Alongside your written declaration, the   and the property was to be sold, your
 repayment.         mortgage lender will ask for proof of   child  would  retain  ownership  of  the
                    your identity, which usually includes
                    photo ID and proof of address, as well   money you gave to them.
 Who can give a gifted deposit?  as bank statements, to comply with
 As a rule of thumb, most lenders will   anti-money laundering regulations.   If you’re considering helping your
 only accept a gifted deposit when                 child with  their property deposit,
 the money has come from parents,   How much money can be given?  the expert mortgage advisors at
 siblings or grandparents, with parents            ESPC Mortgages can help. Visit
 often being the preferred option for   There’s no limit on how much money for more help
 some lenders. In most instances, gifted   you can provide when gifting a deposit.   and advice.
 deposits from friends or extended
 family members are not permitted.

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