Page 43 - March 2024
P. 43


 Stockbridge or


 Hannah and Stuart found a home in their perfect postcode on

                  hen social media specialist   “We weren’t even really looking at the time,
                  Hannah  Fairgrieve  and  her   but a relative sent us the listing knowing
           Wfiancé,  communications  expert   how much we loved Stockbridge,” says
           Stuart Rutherford decided to buy their   Hannah. “The flat was on at a fixed price,
           first home together back in the summer of   which in the area and at the time was kind
           2021, they knew that there was only one   of unheard of, so we knew we needed to act
           location that would do: leafy Stockbridge,   fast, and viewed it the next day. ESPC was
           to the north of Edinburgh’s city centre.   super helpful; the website was easy to use
                                              and provided us with all the information we
           “We’ve always dreamed of living in   needed on the flat before viewing. We loved
           Stockbridge.  We’re both in  our late   the handy mortgage calculator too!”.
           twenties and early thirties, and we wanted
           to live somewhere central in Edinburgh   Hannah and Stuart decided very quickly
           where we could go for dinner nearby on a   that the property was indeed the one for
           weeknight, or grab a coffee on a Saturday   them,  with it  ticking  many of their boxes,
           morning,” explains Hannah. “Stockbridge   alongside being in their perfect postcode.
           is perfect for this, and we love the small   One of their key requirements was that their
           community feel too.”               future home had lots of natural light, while
                                              the other was that it had good bones and
           Luckily for the pair, a prime property in this   the opportunity to create a home that was
           highly sought-after neighbourhood came   perfectly personal to them – something that,
           their way in fortuitous circumstances,   two years on, they have certainly achieved.
           after a relative forwarded them the ESPC
           listing  for  a  top  floor,  two-bed  tenement   “We both really loved the layout and the
           flat in their ideal location, that they simply   general  feeling  of  the  flat,”  Hannah  tells
           couldn’t resist.                   us. “Our style is very stripped back and

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