Page 49 - March 2024
P. 49


 Your ultimate spring
  gardening checklist     3.   Plant for colour

        One  of  the  most  enjoyable
        spring gardening jobs is
        planting, however, Marcus
                       with Dobbies  notes that the time to do
        so will depend on weather.
        Here in Scotland, you
        should wait until late spring
 Dobbies’ Horticultural Director, Marcus Eyles gives his   before planting summer
 top tips on preparing your garden this spring.  bulbs to ensure all risk of
        frost  has  passed.  Then,  you
        can enjoy planting summer
        flowering  bulbs  like  Dobbies’
 s our gardens shake off the frost and   Dobbies’ Horticultural Director, Marcus Eyles,   new-in dahlias, lilies and gladioli.
 welcome  the  vibrancy  of  spring,  so   has outlined his top tips on how you can get
 A begins the busiest season in a gardener’s   the most from your outdoor space, beginning
 calendar. Whether you’re a gardening pro,   in early spring and continuing through to later   Early spring is the perfect time
 or you’re just starting your planting journey,   in the season.  to plant new roses for a blooming
        summer  display  in  June,  but  Marcus
        advises ensuring you prune existing rose
   1.   Clean and tidy  bushes back before the new season leaves
 Spring cleaning your garden is an essential first   begin to unfurl.
 step when it comes to preparing for the year
 ahead, and if you have been maintaining your     4.   Refresh your pots    5.   Lawncare
 garden throughout the winter months, this will   To enjoy instant colour in your garden this   Depending on the weather, early spring is
 be an easy job. One of the simplest ways to   spring, Marcus recommends refreshing your   the time to get your lawn ready for sowing
 tidy up your garden is by neatening your beds   pots, hanging baskets and window boxes with   by cultivating soil and making sure the area
 and borders for the growing season, removing   early  season primroses,  pansies and  spring   is  level  and  firm.  Marcus  says  before  you  do
 weeds and applying a good layer of mulch   flowering  heathers.  Bluebells  in  pots  and   anything you should make sure any debris is
 over the surface with organic compost. Marcus   Ribes Sanguineum, or flowering currants, can   cleared from your lawn. As we get into spring
 notes that not only will mulching help tidy   also be planted in late spring for a country   and the weather heats up, you can begin to
 up the appearance of your garden, but it will   garden effect.  rake out moss and dead grass.
 break down into the soil and give your plants a
 nutrient boost for spring.
        One of Marcus’s favourite ways to make an   In  terms  of  when  to  first  mow  your  lawn,
        impact with your containers plants is to focus   Marcus recommends keeping an eye on the
   2.   Design your beds and borders  on colour themes in concentrated groupings.   weather. When you see the grass growing and
 Spring is the ideal time to get your beds and   Hot colours and shades of red, orange and   there’s no more frost, you can give it the first
 borders in shape for the warmer months. In   pink are favoured in the warmer months but   light cut of the season, making sure the blades
 early spring, once you have removed weeds, the   displays of yellow daffodils and blue primroses,   are kept on their highest setting so as not to
 next step is to trim back any winter flowering   pansies or violas can be effective in spring to   scalp the lawn.
 plants where blooms have started to fade and   welcome the new season.
 prune summer flowering shrubs like buddleia,
 lavatera and hardy fuschias to allow room for
 new growth.   For more spring gardening advice, and to find your nearest Dobbies store, visit

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