Page 48 - November 2023
P. 48

PROPERTY ADVICE                                                                                                                                   ESPC PROPERTIES

                             The price is right...

                  If you’re unsure how to market your property, trust your                                    Your search starts here
                             solicitor estate agent to help.

                                                                                             Our property section highlights just some of the stunning homes now available
       ESPC solicitor                                                                             with ESPC solicitor estate agents. Which one of them could be yours?
       estate agents
       achieved 3% more
       above the Home

       Report valuation

         f you’re considering selling your home   The right pricing strategy is absolutely key to
         this winter, you might have a price in mind   ensuring a strong sale, so trust your solicitor
      I that you hope your property to achieve.   estate agent to choose the right price and
       Or perhaps you’re just not sure what value   the right marketing tools to help you. Based
       your home holds, and what you should be   on market trends and what similar properties
       asking for.                          in the area have sold for, they’ll recommend a
                                            price they feel confident will appeal to buyers.
       That’s where your solicitor estate agent
       can step in. All ESPC solicitor estate agents   You might have read in ESPC’s recent House
       are local property experts, which means   Price Reports that there have been significant
       that they’re best placed to guide you in the   increases in the number of properties listed for
       marketing of your property.          a fixed price, and perhaps you’re nervous about
                                            this – but there’s no need to be. Based on your
       The property market may have cooled   property’s Home Report and your individual
       somewhat  compared to  the frenzied  activity   circumstances, your solicitor estate agent will
       of recent years, but it’s still performing well   advise  you  on  whether  marketing  at  a  fixed
       across Edinburgh, the Lothians, Fife and the   price is recommended, and if not, they’ll set an
       Borders, so don’t be put off by the headlines if   enticing ‘offers over’ price to attract as many
       you are hoping to sell.              potential buyers as possible.
       ESPC  solicitor estate agents  have unique   Remember, research has shown that an ESPC
       access  to a  wealth  of local  property  market   solicitor estate agent achieved 3% more above
       data, which ensures that they have the   the Home Report valuation than a non-ESPC
       knowledge to set the right pricing strategy for   agent, so you could make more money from
       your property, whether you market it as ‘offers   your home if you choose to use one of the 140-
       over’, or for a fixed price.         plus member firms registered with ESPC.

              Ready to get started? Head to and take your
                                   first steps to selling.
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