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Three new showhomes

     now open

     Explore our trio of stunning showhomes now open in South Queensferry.
     Book your appointment today to view our two stylish townhouse showhomes
     or high specification show apartment, you'll love what you see.

  The Buchanan Showhome at Rosebery Wynd , South Queensferry

 Break the chain

 How can you avoid a lengthy
 property chain?

 he last few months have seen a buoyant   sell, shortening the chain overall and allowing
 property market, with lots of properties   everyone’s transactions to move on.
 Tcoming onto the market, ensuring buyers
 have plenty of options to choose from.  Another huge way  to prevent extensive
 property chains is if homeowners choose to
 However, we’ve also seen a rise in the number   sell  their  properties  prior  to  finding  a  new
 of property ‘chains’, with many of our member   home. Often, homeowners are understandably
 firms reporting significantly larger than average   reluctant to even begin the sales process until
 numbers of buyers and sellers involved in   they have secured their next home – but if more
 a number of linked transactions. Of course,   sellers took the leap to step off the ladder even
 with increased parties comes increased risk,   briefly,  they  could  put  themselves  in  a  prime
 and there has also been a higher number of   position for buying their next home, without a   A selection of 2, 3 & 4 bedroom houses and  2 & 3 bedroom
     apartments. Prices from £249,995 to £434,995.
 property chains falling through than we’ve seen   property to sell.   at Rosebery Wynd, Builyeon Road, South Queensferry, EH30 9HJ
 in recent years.   0131 608 5172
 While still relatively uncommon, of course no
 Lengthy chains can make a straightforward   homeowner wants the experience of their
 process more convoluted and can turn the   longed-for sale or purchase to collapse, and
 average eight-week conveyancing period into   our  solicitor  estate  agency  firms  are  well-
 something much longer (the median period   placed to advise all parties through a tricky
 currently sits at 99 days, compared to 83 two   scenario like this. You can get in touch with   CALA.CO.UK/SOUTHQUEENSFERRY
 years  ago).  This  just  shows  the  importance   any  of  our  140-plus  member  firms  through
 of  first-time  buyers  in  the  market,  who  can  to  find  the  right  advice  tailored  to
 come into a chain without any property to   your circumstances.  Image shown is taken from Rosebery Wynd showhome, The Buchanan and feature fittings, décor, flooring and soft furnishings which are not included as standard in our
     homes. Images are used to suggest possible finishes that can be achieved in your home at an additional cost. Please consult a Cala representative for further details.
     Photography has been enhanced in post production. Prices are accurate at the time of going to print. Telephone calls within the British Isles will be charged at local rate.
     Telephone calls may divert to a mobile service in which case call charges may vary. Calls may be recorded for training purposes.
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