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futureproof home
Finding a
Tracy French, Property Manager at ELP Arbuthnott McClanachan, explains
what you need to consider when buying a home for the long term.
hoosing a property can be Location and lifestyle
stressful but buying a property The location is as important as the property itself.
Cthat will become a home for your Where would you like to live? Storage Garden
family increases the pressure to a new
level. Family homes need to function in One thing all families need is ample storage Having a garden is such a bonus with a family
so many ways and for so many different Consider the family-friendliness of the location – or at the very least, enough square footage home. Children love to run around and explore,
people, so there’s a huge amount you’re looking to buy in – is it popular with other to create it. so a great outdoor space is likely on your wish
to think about before buying. Let us families, and does it offer the kind of amenities you’ll list. You should also look closely at a garden’s
help you with what to consider when need as your family grows? With children comes stuff, and if storage functionality too, taking into account its safety
choosing a futureproof family home… options are limited, that ‘stuff’ can quickly and security for children and pets.
Do your research into what’s nearby, considering spread and become out of control, so
things like your daily commute and how this will being able to pack toys away out of sight is Off-street parking
impact your life, the proximity to your family and crucial. If a property doesn’t offer cupboards For families, juggling shopping bags and
friends and what your daily lifestyle would look like. galore, think about the other options, like an children from the car to the house can be tricky,
easy-access attic space, a garden room or so look for properties that have easy access
shed, a garage, or even the chance to build from the driveway or garage and carefully
in eaves storage.
consider those that only have street parking.
Space for a growing family
The first thing any family home needs is space. Busy A functional space Reputable schools
family life can be stressful, and feeling like you’re You’ll need space, but that space also must When it comes to location, being close to good
all on top of one another can make things worse. function in a way that works for your family. schools could well be at the very top of your
Consider the space you’ll need in the future as your When viewing properties, look for clear sight wish list. Check out the local schools before
family grows; after all, the kind of space required for lines if you have young children, who may be viewing properties and make sure you’re fully
toddlers is very different to the needs of teenagers. playing in one room while you’re in another aware of how the local school catchment
area of the house, or outside while you are process works as this can vary depending on
Look for properties with the potential to add or indoors. Open-plan layouts, or the potential location. ESPC property listings note the local
change the space as your family grows. How would to open a space by knocking down walls, are school options, or you can search by school
rooms work for you as your needs change? Could fantastic for family life. Advice from a builder/ catchment if you have your heart set on a
a dining room become a family room, or would architect at a viewing can be a great help. particular establishment.
the office work as a nursery? Is there space in the
garden to build a home office, or could you convert
an attic or garage?
For more from ELP Arbuthnott McClanachan, call the team on 0131 312 7276 for a chat today.
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