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                Get more when you sell with ESPC
                                                                                             Get more for your home               Perfect pricing
               We explain the bounty of benefits that come with using an                     Our latest market research has reaffirmed that   Aligning with their in-depth local knowledge
                    ESPC solicitor estate agent to sell your home.                           ESPC solicitor estate agencies consistently get   and experience of the property market, our
                                                                                             sellers  more  money  for  their  properties  than   solicitor  estate  agency  members  can  help
                                                                                             independent estate agents. On average, ESPC   with that most crucial of tasks – pricing your
                                                                                             solicitor estate agents secure a selling price   property  cleverly.  ESPC’s  CEO,  Paul  Hilton,
                                                                                             that’s 2% above the home report valuation than   discussed  in-depth  in  our  May  issue  the
                                                                                             non-ESPC  agents  –  who  would  say  no  to  the   importance of a careful pricing strategy to
                                                                                             potential of selling their home for a higher price?  help  your  home  stand  out  on  the  market,
                                                                                                                                  and nobody is better placed to guide you
                                                                                             Local expertise in abundance         than  the  firms  who  are  selling  the  vast
                                                                                             ESPC solicitor estate agents have unrivalled   majority  of  properties  for  sale  across  the
                                                                                             access  to  the  very  latest  property  market   market. Trust us, they know what works.
                                                                                             data, so when you engage their services, they
                                                                                             can advise you on the current status of the   Exclusive access to
                                                                                             housing market, down to the selling prices of   ESPC is the most popular property portal for
                                                                                             homes just like yours, or homes like the one   sellers, with good reason – and you can only
                                                                                             you’re thinking of offering on, so that you can   have your property listed with us if you use
                                                                                             make  the  most  informed  decisions.  74%  of   one  of  our  solicitor  estate  agent  member
                                                                                             homes  in  Edinburgh,  the  Lothians,  Fife,  the   firms.  With  thousands  of  househunters
                                                                                             Borders, the West of Scotland and Dumfries &   visiting  daily,  and  hundreds  of
                                                                                             Galloway sold between June 2023 and January   thousands of property alerts sent out each
                                                                                             2024 were sold by ESPC member firms, which   week, you won’t find a better place to market
           hinking  of  selling  your  home?  There   Every base covered                     demonstrates  how  much  specialist  local   your property.
           are  so  many  things  to  consider  as  part   Using a solicitor estate agent means that you   knowledge and experience our firms can offer
       Tof the journey, and we know that it can   market your home with an all-encompassing   you on your own personal property journey.
       feel stressful and daunting (especially if you’re   approach. Solicitor estate agents not only
       selling a property for the first time), but with the   handle  the  marketing  and  subsequent
       right decision-making, it can be easier and more   negotiations  for  the  sale  of  your  property,
       straightforward than you might think.   but the conveyancing and legal processes
                                             on  both  sides  too,  which  helps  to  create  a
       In the initial stages, it all comes down to how   seamless process on the journey from listing
       you choose to market your property. The easiest   to completion.
       way to ensure a smooth process is to use one of
       ESPC’s 140 solicitor estate agency member firms   The highest standards of service
       – and there are additional benefits too.
                                             Unlike  independent  estate  agents,  solicitor
                                             estate agents are held to the highest
       Many sellers already know the perks of listing   standards of professional conduct, mandated
       with an ESPC agent – our latest market research   by the Law Society of Scotland. In a nutshell,
       has revealed that ESPC is the place that most   this means that sellers can trust that they’re
       sellers would want their properties to be   in the safest hands for the job – and if you
       advertised.                           choose to use a solicitor estate agency that’s
                                             signed up to the ESPC Charter, you can rest
       If you’ve never sold before (or you haven’t done   assured that they’ve agreed to be held to
       it for a while), allow us to explain what makes   even higher codes of conduct.
       selling with ESPC a winning decision…                                                    Ready to get started? Head to to find a solicitor estate agent near you.

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