Page 34 - ESPC_Oct24
P. 34

Cosy in                                                                                     Rearrange the furniture              Make your bed  INTERIORS INSIDER

                                                                                                   Yes,  it’s  really  that  easy!  Position
                                                                                                                                        Swapping out a lightweight duvet for
                                                                                                                                        a thicker, heavier tog is a great idea
                                                                                                   chairs away from windows and doors,
                                                                                            while  trying  to  keep  radiators  unobstructed   in  the  chillier  months,  meaning  you’ll  sleep
                                                                                            to maximise heat flow around your home. A   soundly and feel warm all night long, without
                                                                                            trick we love is to place some tinfoil behind the   having to have the heating popping on and off
                                                                                            radiator, to bounce heat back into the room   into  the  wee  hours.  Brushed  cotton  bedding
                                                                                            instead of letting it escape.         can also help to make your bed feel extra cosy
                                                                                                                                  – so cosy you might not want to leave it! And
          Autumn’s here, so here’s how                                                             Add in plenty of texture       of course, add texture by layering up cushions
          to make even a single-glazed                                                             For a sumptuous, snuggly ambience,   and blankets to turn your bed into a cocoon-
         tenement feel cosy and warm.                                                              bring  in  some  thicker,  heavier   like space.
                                                                                            textures  for  the  cooler  months.  A  cosy  wool
                                                                                            rug can go a long way, blocking draughts and   Embrace a darker palette
                                                                                            feeling warm underfoot while also helping   You don’t need to repaint – unless you
                                                                                            your mind to associate the room with warmth   want  to,  of  course  –  but  refreshing
                                                                                            and rest. Bringing thermal curtains into rooms   your  colour  palette  for  autumn  can  create  a
                                                                                            that don’t currently have them can make a big   warmer  ambience.  Swap  out  light  tones  and
                                                                                            difference, and make sure you have a basket   neutrals  for  rich  hues  and  jewel  tones  for  a
                                                                                            full  of  soft,  comfy  blankets  on  hand  in  your   plush, inviting feel. If you do feel like a room
                                                                                            living  room  to  snuggle  up  under.  Make  sure   refresh is in order, tones like hazy terracotta,
                                                 Protect against draughts                   you swap out any lighter textures (like linen) for   rich blues and deep greens all create the sense
                                                 In older properties especially, draughts   more heavyweight options like wool and velvet   of warmth.
                                                 can make a big difference to how cosy      to embrace that hygge feeling.
                                           your  home  feels.  20%  of  a  property’s  heat  is                                         Adjust your lighting
                                           lost through the windows, so try applying self-                                              If  you  use  smart  bulbs,  swap  their
                                           adhesive foam tape around the window frames,                                                 tone  from  bright  white  ‘daylight’
                                           or  use  sealant  on  larger  cracks.  If  you  have                                   settings to something more yellow-toned and
                                           single-glazed windows, inexpensive thermal film                                        ambient.  Layer  up  your  lighting  with  lamps,
                                           can act as secondary glazing to hold more heat                                         and dim the lighting overall for a warmer glow
                                           in.  Don’t  forget  about  filling  gaps  in  exposed                                  rather than a stark, bright light. Adding in fairy
                                           floorboards,  and  make  like  your  granny  and                                       lights also creates a hazy, twinkly feel that just
                                           invest in a key cover and a draught excluder for                                       screams cosy!
                                           your front door to keep things extra toasty.

           he nights are drawing in, and there’s   Boost your curtains
           a  distinct  chill  in  the  air,  so  there’s   Investing  in  thermal  curtains,  or  even                             Light some candles
       Tno  better  time  to  make  sure  that   adding a thermal lining to your existing                                           The  flickering  flame  of  a  candle  burning
       your  home  feels  like  a  warm  and  restful   curtains,  can  make  a  huge  difference  to  your                         is  a  sure-fire  way  to  evoke  a  sense  of
       haven  when  you  come  in  from  the  cold.   home’s warmth. A heavyweight fabric coupled                            cosiness  and  warmth  in  the  chillier  seasons.  Why
       We’ve highlighted some quick, simple and   with  a  thermal  lining  can  reduce  heat  loss  by                      not embrace the season fully and choose scented
       affordable ways to make sure your home   up to 25%, ensuring your space feels snug all                                candles  rich  with  fragrances  like  spiced  pumpkin,
       is a sumptuous shelter from the elements   season  long.  If  your  budget  is  tight,  you  can                      cinnamon, leather and vanilla?
       this autumn and winter, to help you feel the   even buy clip-in thermal linings that are much
       hygge and coorie in for the season.   cheaper than replacing curtains.

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