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 Edinburgh’s rental market now

 Six months on from the launch of new lettings legislation, Nicky Lloyd, Head   “The ban on evictions was also lifted in April.   achieved  for  those  who  want  to  take  the
 of ESPC Lettings, shares her insights on how the sector has been affected.   The  eviction  moratorium  was  brought  in   plunge.
        during  the  pandemic,  and  so  for  landlords
        struggling with tenants for several years   “On the whole, I would say the legislation has
        by that point, the lifting of the ban was a   worked well for both landlords and tenants.
        welcome  relief.  We  currently  have  several   It’s  slightly  reinvigorated  the  market,  but
        cases  going  through  the  First  Tier  Tribunal;   there wasn’t as much movement as we had
        there must be a massive backlog, as we’re yet   initially thought it might generate; tenants
        to see any verdict on the next steps, over five   are  still  choosing  to  stay  in  their  current
        months later.                         rental  properties,  where  the  rent  increases
                                              are still better than the market rental rate of
        “Over  the  last  few  years,  we  have  seen   newly advertised properties.”
        many landlords choosing to exit the rental
        market  and  selling  their
        properties. This has largely
        been due to their own
        financial  situations,  with
        many  landlords  looking
        to  release  capital.  With
        the  recent  declaration  of
        the  housing  emergency
        across  Scotland,  there
        is  a  desperate need  for
        more rental properties
        to   become   available,
        especially  in  cities  like
        Edinburgh where demand
        is  exceptionally  high.  The
 n  31  March  2024,  The  Cost  of  Living   experience  of  the  rental  sector  throughout   rental  market  might  not
 (Tenant  Protection)  Scotland  Act  2022   this time, Head of ESPC Lettings, Nicky Lloyd,   appear to be too appealing
 Ocame to an end, ceasing the controversial   shares her thoughts on how the new laws have   a  prospect  to  many  new
 3% rent cap and eviction moratorium that had   affected Edinburgh’s private rental market.   landlords, but the reality
 been in place since late 2022.  is  far  from  it  –  with  high
        tenant demand continuing
 “The  biggest  real  change  we’ve  seen  was
 As of 1 April, new legislation came into force,   the lifting of the rent cap, which meant that   to exist, and property
 which allowed landlords to resume evictions   landlords  could  increase  rents  without  the   purchase prices remaining
 (following  correct  procedure),  and  enabled   restrictions  they  had  previously.  Thankfully,   fairly  consistent,  some
 landlords to propose rent increases of up to   most landlords were considerate of tenants’   excellent  yields  can  be
 12%, with rights for tenants to appeal.   financial  situations,  and  we  saw  increases
 averaging  around  5%  -  this  is  a  step  in  the
 Six months have now passed since the launch   right direction for landlords, while still being
 of  this  new  legislation.  With  direct  daily   an affordable increase for tenants.   ESPC Lettings is an Edinburgh letting agent. We can help with marketing your rental property and finding the right tenants.
                            Contact the team on 0131 253 2847 or

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