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EXPERT ADVICE                                                       EXPERT ADVICE

 Will going eco add value?      Give Lisa a bell

 Tzana Webster, Head of Estate Agency at Ralph Sayer, discusses whether   Looking for independent mortgage advice? ESPC Mortgages are
 making eco-friendly home improvements will add value to your property.
                delighted to announce the appointment of a brand-new adviser.

 ith   emphasis   on   tackling   Double or Triple Glazing
 climate  change  growing,  many   Upgrading to double or triple glazing   f you’re looking for specialist independent   Lisa,  Paul  and  David  are  available  to  book
 Whomeowners may be wondering if   is a great way to improve energy   mortgage  advice  ahead  of  taking  your   appointments  with  for  mortgage  advice
 making eco-friendly alterations will increase   efficiency  and  will  add  more  value  than  a   Inext step on the property ladder, then   tailor-made  to  your  specific  circumstances.
                                              As independent mortgage advisers, they have
        ESPC  Mortgages  are  always  there  to  help.  In
 their property’s value. Put simply, they can,   home  with  outdated  windows.  Properties  in
 but the extent of the value depends on the   conservation areas or listed buildings may face   exciting news, the award-winning team at ESPC   expert knowledge of an ever-changing market,
 improvements made and the demand from   limitations on the types of windows allowable,   Mortgages  are  delighted  to  announce  the   along with close relationships with lenders and
 and appeal to prospective buyers.   while sash windows may need to be upgraded   appointment of brand-new mortgage adviser,   access  to  thousands  of  mortgage  products,
                                              allowing them to source the most appropriate
        Lisa Bell.
 with care to preserve their character.       solution  for  you.  Not  only  that,  but  they  will
 Here  are  some  of  the  most  impactful  eco   also  carry  out  all  the  application  admin  of
 upgrades, and how they can enhance your   Solar Panels  Based  alongside  the  existing  team  of  Paul   your behalf, taking the stress away from you
 home’s appeal (and value).  Solar panels can reduce energy bills   Demarco  and  David  Lauder  at  the  ESPC   throughout the mortgage process.
        Property  Information  Centre  on  Edinburgh’s
 and generate income, meaning homes   George Street, Lisa is available for independent,
 Electric Vehicle Chargers  with  them  are  often  valued  higher  (although   specialist mortgage advice.   Get mortgage advice today
 As  electric  vehicles  become  more   visual impact and system lifespan can influence   ESPC Mortgages is a team of independent
 popular,  having  an  EV  charger   the final figure). This popular upgrade typically   Before  gaining  her  qualifications  as  a   mortgage advisers based in Edinburgh. With
 installed  is  becoming  more  necessity  than   costs between £4,000 and £8,000 to install a   mortgage  adviser,  Lisa  worked  alongside  the   many years of experience, they are well-placed
 luxury.  Installing  an  EV  charger  can  be  an   standard system, while Government incentives   ESPC  Mortgages  team  as  the  administrator,   to help you purchase your first property. Get
 easy, affordable upgrade; installation costs   allow homeowners to sell surplus energy back   and  so  already  has  in-depth  knowledge  and   in touch with the team on 0131 253 2920 or
 range  between  £500  and  £1,200,  while   to the grid, offsetting the costs.   experience of working within the field.
 Government  schemes  can  offer  financial
 assistance, typically covering up to 75% of   Heat Pumps
 the cost (up to £350).   Lisa Bell comments, “I am delighted to be joining
 As the Government phases out gas   the team at ESPC Mortgages in a new role. I have
 boilers,  heat  pumps  are  becoming   long admired the work that David and Paul do
 Smart Energy Systems  increasingly  essential.  Homes  with  them   with the vast array of buyers and homeowners
 Installing easy-to-use smart meters   are  seen  as  futureproof,  with  the  potential   that turn to ESPC Mortgages for advice at the
 allows homeowners to track energy   to  increase  value  by  5-10%.  Air  source  heat   most crucial of life stages, and I am very much
 usage and reduce waste, making them one   pumps  typically  cost  between  £7,000  and   looking forward to offering my own services to
 of the easiest ways to add appeal, especially   £13,000  to  install,  while  ground  source  heat   those looking for independent mortgage advice.
 with buyers who prioritise sustainability.   pumps costs range from £15,000 to £30,000   Helping  someone  to  achieve  their  dream  of
 – however, Government grants are available.   homeownership is an exciting prospect and one
        I’m hugely looking forward to.”

 By  making  thoughtful  eco-friendly  improvements,  homeowners  can  reduce  their
 environmental impact while increasing their property’s appeal and market value.
        The information contained in this article is provided in good faith. Whilst every care has been taken in the preparation of the information, no
        responsibility is accepted for any errors which, despite our precautions, it may contain.
        The initial consultation with an ESPC Mortgages adviser is free and without obligation. Thereafter, ESPC Mortgages’ charges for mortgage advice
 For more from Ralph Sayer, visit or call 0131 225 5567  are usually £395 (£345 for first-time buyers). YOUR HOME MAY BE REPOSSESSED IF YOU DO NOT KEEP UP REPAYMENTS ON A MORTGAGE OR
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