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 Where do ESPC   ooking back at the property market     The Borders
 from  January  2019  to  July  2024,         46%  of  Borders  properties  were  purchased
                                              by  current  Borders  residents,  suggesting
 buyers come from?  L ESPC’s  research  reveals  where   that buyers prefer to stay within this region
 buyers live when they purchase an onward     rather than relocate. Indeed, 48% of Borders
 property,  examining  how  buyers  relocate   buyers bought a home within their existing
 If you’ve ever wondered how home   across  the  market  –  as  well  as  exploring   post  out  code  (e.g.  the  TD  postcode),  while
 buyers move across the market,    how many home buyers come from outside   30%  of  buyers  bought  properties  within  the
 we’ve done the research for you.   of Scotland and even outside of the UK.   same postcode that they already lived in, for
                                              example, TD2.

                                              12% of properties were bought by buyers from
          The Lothians
                                              the rest of the UK, which has dual reasoning
        As  Edinburgh’s  closest  neighbour,  Midlothian   in  a  region  such  as  the  Borders.  There  is  a
        saw a great deal of properties sold to buyers   likelihood of holiday home purchases; however,
        moving  across  the  city  boundary:  53%  of   there is also a high likelihood of many of these
        Midlothian homes for sale since January 2019   buyers being from just over the other side of
        were sold to buyers from Edinburgh, suggesting   the  border,  choosing  a  property  that  allows
        homeowners moving for larger, more affordable   them to maintain their current lifestyle.
        properties in comparison to the capital.
                                              Just under 1% of Borders homes were bought
        Just  6%  of  property  purchases  came  from   by buyers from the rest
        Midlothian buyers, suggesting that homeowners   of the world.
   Edinburgh  tend to stay in their homes for a longer period.
 Edinburgh unsurprisingly boasts the highest   interest, suggesting
 retention  rate  of  homeowners,  with  60%  of   a high volume of   East Lothian boasted a much higher retention
 Edinburgh homes purchased by buyers already   investors: 16% of those buying   rate,  with  40%  of  properties  purchased  by
 living within the city.  in EH1 were from other parts of the UK, with   existing  residents.  This  area  also  boasted  a
 13% in EH2 and 11.5% in EH3. Being so central   high number of ‘local relocators’, with 20% of
 64% of buyers already resided in a home with   to  Edinburgh’s  famous  landmarks,  it  makes   properties bought by Edinburgh buyers.
 an EH postcode at the time of purchasing,   sense that investors would choose a property
 while 20% of buyers bought a property within   in these highly desirable locations.   6% of properties were bought by buyers from
 the  same  post  district  (e.g.,  if  they  lived  in   the rest of the UK, suggesting investment
 EH1, they then bought their next property in   This trend is also apparent with global buyers;   interest.
 EH1). This means that while most Edinburgh   EH2  holds  the  most  appeal,  with  10%  of
 buyers are already from Edinburgh, only one-  properties  purchased  in  this  postcode  since   West Lothian also enjoyed a high retention rate,
 fifth of property purchases were made within   2019 bought by buyers from countries outside   with 43% of properties bought by an existing
 the same district that buyers already resided   of  the  UK.  This  was  closely  followed  by   resident.  West  Lothian  saw  18%  of  homes  in
 in, suggesting lots of buyers moving across   homes in EH1, where 7% of buyers came from   the  area  purchased  by  those  relocating  from
 the  city  depending  on  their  requirements   international locations, and EH3, where global   Edinburgh,  ostensibly  to  purchase  a  larger,
 and affordability.  buyers snapped up 4% of the properties sold.  more affordable property.

 Just 6% of Edinburgh buyers are from the rest   This  data  also  covers  the  period  ahead  of   There  was  much  lower  interest  from
 of the UK, suggesting a mix of relocators and   short-term lets legislation coming into effect,   international  buyers,  with  1.5%  of  Midlothian
 investors. It appears that properties in the Old   which would confirm that holiday lets would   buyers being internationally based, and 0.6% of
 Town, city centre and New Town are of especial   be particularly appealing for investors.  both East and West Lothian.

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