Page 40 - August 2023
P. 40


                                                                                                        We used ESPC Exclusive, which worked so

                                                                                                       well – we got hundreds of views online within
                                                                                                      the first 36 hours on the market, and it reached
                                                                                                                      the right people.

                                                                                                                                 interested and would make a good cash offer
                                                                                                                                 by the Monday morning, which he did!”

                                                                                                                                 With  their  property  under  offer  and  an  offer
                                                                                                                                 accepted on their new home, Tracie and
                                                                                                                                 her  husband could  progress with their sales
                                                                                                                                 journey. There were thankfully no issues, as
                                                                                                                                 their flat had a good Home Report for a period
       generic  –  we  needed  support  as  we  are  so   “Karen from MHD Law came round to value                                property, and their new home was a new build
       busy,” says Tracie. “I asked a friend’s dad, who   our  flat  and  assured  us  it  would  sell  quickly.                 with older owners that had taken great care of
       is a solicitor, to recommend someone, and he   She said we should find somewhere we want                                  the house, so the sale and purchase progressed
       suggested some people that he trained himself.   to buy, and so we made an offer on the Ratho                             smoothly.
       One of them was Jane Cormack, who worked at   house with Karen’s advice, which was accepted.
       MHD Law and also helped a friend sell her flat.   We worked hard to make sure the flat looked                             Now that they are settled in their new home,
       She knew everything about the area, and also   perfect ahead of going on the market, and we                               Tracie and her husband have words of wisdom
       knew Gilson Gray, who sold the Ratho property,   used ESPC Exclusive, which worked so well                                for fellow prospective buyers, and especially
       really well. I wanted someone to be there from   – we got hundreds of views online within the                             those  who  are  selling  for  the  first  time  too:
       start to finish, who would tell us the truth, and   first 36 hours on the market, and it reached the                      “The right home is out there for you, it’s a
       Jane did just that – she even gave us emotional   right people.”                                                          process and the failures will get you to your
       support when the first property we offered on                                                                             dream home. All the times you get knocked
       fell through. I was incredibly happy with the   Karen’s advice that the property would sell                               back will help to clarify what you really want.
       way MHD Law handled the whole process.”                                                                                   I would tell my younger self to think about the
                                            quickly was sage indeed, as the property found
                                            its buyer on its first day on the market.                                            practicalities – my friend once moved into a flat
       The couple decided to get their home on the                                                                               where the boiler didn’t work! And when you’re
       market after viewing a property they loved                                                                                looking for a home, view it in person. Photos
       in Ratho, and followed MHD Law’s advice to   “One person showed interest on the day                                       and videos are great, but you have to see the
       great success.                       we  went  up  for  sale  –  he  said  he  was  really                                house to know if it’s your home.”

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