Page 35 - August 2023
P. 35


 Tap into ‘quiet luxury’                          Display only the pieces
 It’s been stealing the headlines in fashion
 circles, but ‘quiet luxury’ is a key way to ensure   that you love the most, or
 your home looks perpetually stylish too.
 In a nutshell, quiet luxury means adopting     have the most sentimental
 tones, textures and styles that look and feel   value – like photographs or
 luxurious, but in an understated way. Choose
 soft, neutral tones that will outlast the trends,   special ornaments – rather
 and opt for the most luxurious textures your
 budget will allow for. Focus on making your       than bric-a-brac from
 home feel comfortable and inviting, rather       trends a few years ago.
 than overly trendsetting or ostentatious, and
 it will always feel good to be in.

 Natural materials  Lean into the look of your home
 Opting for natural materials means that   You might love period features, but if you’re
 your home will never go out of style. Wood,   living in a sleek new build, the styles can clash.
 leather, linen, jute, glass, cotton, wicker, wool,   Similarly, going too contemporary in an older
 stone… There are so many options available   tenement property might mean that the fit
 that it’s incredibly easy to pull together a   isn’t quite right. For interiors that are timeless,
 natural look to your home that will  always   try leaning into the architecture of your
 be elegant. Natural textiles like cushions,   home, and find a way to blend your personal
 blankets and curtains also help to keep your   taste with the bones of your property.
 home  warm  in  the  winter  and  cool  in  the
 summer, so you don’t need to switch them   Make the features the focal point
 for lighter or heavier alternatives.
        Instead of a bold sofa or a glitzy coffee
        table, play up to the built-in features of your
 Clear the clutter  home for a classical look. Feature fireplace?
 Maximalism might be your thing, but for   Place  vases  of  fresh  flowers  or  candles
 interiors that look chic for the long term,   close by, or choose chic patterned tiles for
 clearing the clutter is the way to go. Display   the hearth, and dress the mantlepiece with
 only the pieces that you love the most,   sentimental photographs. Or if you have
 or  have  the  most  sentimental  value  –  like   particularly large windows or a gorgeous
 photographs or special ornaments – rather   view, hang luxurious curtains to frame them
 than bric-a-brac from trends a few years ago,   and create a showstopping look. If you’re in
 which dates your home. If you’re selling, this   a period property and are lucky enough to
 is an instant way to make your home look   have beautiful cornicing on your ceiling, try a
 more  inviting  and  appealing,  so  why  not   statement light fitting to draw the eye up to
 practice this for yourself too?  the details that never get old.

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