Page 33 - August 2023
P. 33


 all seasons

 A home


 Decorating on a budget? Here’s how to make your home
 look its best all year round.

 hen it comes to decorating   Pick the right paint
 trends, we’ve all heard the   Choosing a colour is about so much
 Wadvice of changing up your   more than what stands out on a paint
 décor seasonally – switching out bright   chart – picking a palette that will last
 summer colours for rich tones when   for the long term also depends on
 the autumn comes, or keeping a stash   things like the direction the room
 of cushions, candles and accessories to   faces, where it gets its light from, when
 swap with the seasons. With each new   you use the space most often, and
 trend comes the call to hit the high street   the colours and styles of your existing
 and adorn your home with the latest   furniture and accessories.
 fashions – be it Bauhaus, tropical tones
 or ‘coastal grandmother’ chic. Great fun,   If your room faces north or east, avoid
 but what if your finances don’t fit the bill?  cool colours and opt for warm beige
 or blush tones to make the most of
 In  the  current  financial  climate,  we   the morning light, and create a cosier
 know that budgets are more carefully   feel in the evenings. For southerly or
 considered  than  ever,  and  frivolous   west-facing spaces, you can try cooler
 spending on your interior decor might   or brighter colours, to soak up the
 not be something you can factor in each   natural light.
 month. While it may be tempting to
 follow every decorating trend you see   Generally,  try  and  avoid  picking
 online, it’s much simpler (and cheaper)   something too ‘trendy’, such as dark
 to  try  a  timeless  look  in  your  home  –   blue or grey, and try shades that bring
 whether you’re staying for the longer   warmth to the room while acting as
 term or thinking of selling soon.  a backdrop for your belongings. Off-
 whites, beiges and blush tones can all
 We’ve shared our top tips for decorating   help bring a room together in a way
 your home in a timeless fashion, so it   that suits all the changes the different
 looks chic all year long.  seasons can bring.

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