Page 30 - August 2023
P. 30


       Give your kitchen a quick makeover                                                                                          as Tzana Webster explains: “You’d be
       We  know that  not  every  kitchen  is                                                                                      surprised at how many properties I visit
       Instagrammable, but with some quick fixes,                                                                                  (especially top-floor tenement flats) where
       you can freshen up tired cabinetry to give                                                                                  I notice old, dried-out watermarks or stains
       your kitchen a new lease of life. Try painting                                                                              from previous leaks on the ceilings or in
       the cabinets in an on-trend colour – think                                                                                  corners of rooms. The sellers will always
       deep  blue  or  sage  green  –  and  replace                                                                                explain that it’s not an issue and has long
       worn handles. In an instant your kitchen                                                                                    been fixed – well, paint over it then! Don’t
       will look newer and more attractive, helping                                                                                draw the eye to a previous problem, that
       to boost the value of your property overall.                                                                                could be a recurring issue.”

       Highlight a sunny spot in your garden                                                                                       Refresh your paintwork
       South-facing gardens are traditionally the                                                                                  It’s an obvious one, but many sellers don’t
       most desirable, but of course not every                                                                                     think about the difference a lick of paint
       home has one. If yours faces in a different                                                                                 can make – and it doesn’t always need to
       direction, boost its appeal by paying                                                                                       be repainting whole rooms. If your walls
       attention to the area that gets the most sun                                                                                are covered in small marks, chips or scuffs,
       during the day. By accentuating this space                                                                                  spend time touching up the paintwork – it
       with furniture or fairy lights and plants, you                                                                              makes all the difference on your Home
       can highlight that your garden is a valuable                                                                                Report.
       outdoor asset, whichever direction it faces.
                                                                                                                                   Care for or cover your floors
       Make eco-friendly improvements                                                                                              Many properties, particularly tenement
       More and more buyers are looking for                                                                                        flats, have wooden floorboards, but as with
       environmentally  friendly homes  to  help                                                                                   all period features, these can quickly show
       with the climate crisis (and the bills), and                                                                                signs of age. A cheap way to add value to
       the rating your home receives on its EPC                                                                                    your  home  is  to  fix  any  loose  or  creaky
       certificate can certainly impact its valuation.                                                                             floorboards,  sand  them  and  oil  them,  to
       Making as many eco-friendly changes as                                                                                      immediately improve their condition.
       possible in your home can make all the
       difference when it comes to selling. Try                                                                                    If  they  look  grubby  or  worn  but  are
       switching lightbulbs for smart LED lighting                                                                                 otherwise in good condition, you could also
       and  improve  insulation  where  you  can  –                                                                                consider laying on-trend patterned vinyl
       you don’t need to install expensive solar                                                                                   flooring on top, to instantly add impact and
       panels or electric car charging points to                                                                                   create a more glossy look.
       make your home more appealing, but
       every little helps.

       Get rid of stains and watermarks                                                                                            Thinking of selling your home? Arrange
       Surveyors and buyers alike will be on the                                                                                   a  free  property  valuation  with  an  ESPC
       lookout for any suspicious stains in your                                                                                   solicitor estate agent – visit
       property that might hint at future repairs,                                                                                 valuations to get started.

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