Page 31 - December 2023
P. 31

 How to ensure your home is
 a buyer’s dream

                Planning to sell up in 2024? Follow our top tips to make your home
                                  ultra-appealing to buyers.

                   ith more properties on the market   love with a home that looks grimy or has a
                   than in recent years, if you’re   questionable odour. It also reassures buyers
            Wplanning to sell your home in      that your property is well-loved and well-
            the new year, you could be up against more   looked after, which can enhance its appeal.
            competition than you think. So, it’s doubly
            important to consider the presentation of   Take time to assess your home, paying
            your home before you put it up for sale, to   attention to the small things that might
            make sure it stands out from the crowd as a   escape your notice day-to-day – particularly
            dream home for prospective buyers.  in areas like the kitchen or bathroom.

            Research shows that buyers will decide   Light candles (citrus, vanilla or ‘clean cotton’
            in  just  eight  minutes  whether  they  will   fragrances work well) or place diffusers in
            buy the property they’re viewing, so   different rooms too.
            sellers don’t have much time to make
            an impactful impression. Buyers these
            days are surrounded by images of dream   Clear the clutter
            properties, thanks to Instagram and interiors   Presenting  a  tidy  home  allows  buyers  to
            influencers, so expectations could   envisage how easy life would be, but daily
            be higher than you might think.            debris can cloud that vision. Zoe
                                                        Berry, from Edinburgh-based
            Yes,  there’s  all  the  usual              home organisation company
            things – tidying up, weeding                 LIFE/EDIT, says, “There are two
            the garden, painting over                     major problems with clutter:
            scuffs and scratches – but                    it distracts buyers from your
            how do you really create                       home’s features, and it
            the impression of a                            makes your property feel
            relaxing, stylish, inviting                     less spacious.”
            home  that will make
            buyers fall head over                          Spend time clearing out
            heels within those crucial                   anything you don’t want or
            first seconds?                              need – or if you can’t bear to
                                                        part with belongings, consider
            Clean and fresh                             moving items into the loft, a
            Presenting a clean home is                  watertight shed, or even renting
            always key – it’s hard to fall in           a storage unit.

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