Page 34 - December 2023
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                                                                                                                                       9. Portobello
          1. Leith                                                                                                                   It seems that many of us like to be beside
          Leith was the most popular place to     4. Liberton                                 6. Morningside                         the seaside, with Portobello squeaking
          buy a home in Edinburgh in 2023. This   Further south of the city, the suburb of   Often referred to as  Edinburgh’s poshest   into the top ten. Edinburgh’s seaside is
          vibrant, edgy corner of the Capital   Liberton was the fourth most-popular place   neighbourhood, it’s no surprise to see   a charming place to call home, packed
          appeals to a vast range of buyers,   in Edinburgh to buy a home this year. This   Morningside high on the list. This charming   with period properties and modern
          and whether you love traditional    mostly  residential  area  boasts  brilliant   village  in  the  city  offers  excellent  amenities,   apartments alike, with the glorious beach
          tenements with period features, or   amenities  and transport  links,  as  well  as   from artisan bakeries to an independent   and elegant promenade, plus an array of
          glossy, modern apartments, Leith    plentiful green spaces and good schools,      cinema,  is  within  walking  distance  of  green   independent bars, shops and restaurants
          can offer it all – and this year’s launch   making it a sought-after choice for families.  spaces galore and the city centre itself, and   to enjoy – all just 20 minutes from the
          of the new tram extension makes it                                                is  even  in  the  catchment  area  for  some  of   city centre.
          better than ever.
                                                5. Trinity                                  Edinburgh’s highest-regarded schools.
                                              Trinity, on the northern  coast of the city,
                                              makes  up  the  top  five.  This  pretty,  well-
         2. Corstorphine                      heeled suburb boasts quaint parks, beautiful     7. South Queensferry
                                              traditional buildings and popular amenities,   Just a short train ride from Waverley, and you can find
       Corstorphine has been hugely popular this                                            yourself in the picture-postcard South Queensferry.
       year, and it’s easy to see why. Corstorphine has   as well as being a stone’s throw from the   Flanked by the iconic Forth Bridges overhead, this
                                              waterfront at Newhaven and in walking
       excellent transport links and offers an array of   distance of both Leith and Stockbridge.  quaint town offers much to enjoy for residents of all
       local amenities, from shopping centres to local                                      ages, including plentiful shops, bars and restaurants,
       restaurants and even the Zoo, plus, it’s in the                                      excellent transport links and good local schooling.       South Queensferry
       catchment area for good local schools.
                                                                                              8. Gorgie                             10. The Shore
          3. Newington                                                                      Gorgie has risen in popularity in recent years,   The most glamorous pocket of Leith, The Shore
          South of  the city centre  and  traditionally an                                  thanks  to  its  central  location  and  affordable   makes up our top ten. Often named as one of
          elegant, affluent area, Newington is also popular                                 property prices, making it appealing to young   the coolest neighbourhoods in the world, never
          with students due to its proximity to university                                  professionals. This trendy hotspot is close to   mind just in Edinburgh, The Shore is home to
          campuses  –  meaning  it’s  also  popular  with                                   Haymarket and the West End, ensuring there’s   Michelin-starred restaurants, popular bars, coffee
          property investors. Teeming with independent                                      plenty  to  see  and  do,  while  one-bedroom   shops and delis, plus fabulous attractions in the
          shops, bars and restaurants, with access to some                                  properties in this area of Edinburgh are among   form of the Royal Yacht Britannia, the Fingal
          of Edinburgh’s best green spaces and cultural                                     the most affordable the Capital has to offer.  floating hotel, Custom Lane and much more.
          happenings, Newington is a great choice.
                                                                                            If you’re ready to find your dream home in Edinburgh, visit and begin your search today!
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