Page 50 - December 2023
P. 50

       How to make a
         foraged festive wreath,

                                                        with Dobbies

         Dobbies’ Stylist, Rebecca Stanton gives a step-by-step guide on how you can
        make your own wreath using materials from your garden, enhanced with your
                           Christmas decorations if you wish.

                hether it’s a doorway accessory
                or a statement above the
        Wfireplace,  a  festive  wreath  is
        a must-have to get your home in the                                                   4.                                  6.
        Christmas spirit, and if you’re looking to
        have a greener season, Dobbies Garden
        Centres has demonstrated how to make                                                1. Start by creating several small bundles using   and personalise your wreath with whatever is
        your own wreath using foraged foliage.
                                                                                            your fresh foliage, trimming your greenery to   growing in your garden. Holly will add a festive
                                                                                            a uniform size. We have used conifer, Skimmia   touch, but just be careful when taking cuttings and
        Follow along and create a fabulous natural                                          ‘rubella’ and eucalyptus for a winter tonal effect   make sure you wear gardening gloves to protect
        yuletide accessory that’s sure to impress                                           but you can use any foliage for your bundles.   your hands. You could also use ivy or viburnum.
        your guests this party season.                                                      Gather a few stems together and secure with
                                                                                            garden twine, repeating until you have around   5. We have used pinecone and acorn decorations
        What you will need:                                                                 nine bundles (you may need more or less   but if you’re foraging for your own, simply wind
                                                                                            depending on the size of your wreath and how   your twine or string around the pinecones and
        •   Base – you can create this with twigs or                                        full you would like it to be).
          willow                                                                                                                 secure to your base. This will give your wreath
                                                                                                                                 a lovely woodland feel and will complement
        •   Garden twine                                                                    2. Once you have your bundles, it’s time to build   natural interiors.
                                                                                            your base. Begin by wrapping twine around
        •   Good quality pair of secateurs
                                                                                            your  wreath  ring,  securing  your  first  foliage   6. Once you have decorated your wreath the
        •   Foliage and plants – we used conifer,                                           bundle in place.                     way you would like it, you have the option to
          Skimmia ‘rubella’ and eucalyptus                                                                                       add battery operated string lights to create
                                                                                            3. Repeat this process until you have an even   a Christmas glow.  Wired lights  can easily be
        •   Foraged decorations like pinecones                                              base, making sure to layer your bundles close   wound around your wreath and will highlight all
          and berries, but you can also add faux
          decorations if you would like some                                                together to hide any twine. Keep winding     the gorgeous real foliage and let the different
                                                                                            your twine or string around the wreath,
                                                                                                                                 tones shine through.
                                                                                            attaching bundles as you go until your ring is
        •   Battery operated wire lights (optional)                                         completely covered.                  7.  Display your creation on your front door, or for
                                                                                                                                 different styling options, wreaths also work well
                                                                                            4. Once you have a base, it’s time to start adding   above a mantle, as a table centrepiece, or over
                                                                                            your decorations. We have used acorn and   a mirror to bring a touch of Christmas magic to
        For more festive inspiration, and to explore Dobbies’ Christmas 2023 collections, visit   pinecone decorations but you can get creative     any room of your home.
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