Page 43 - February 2024
P. 43


        we painted half the wall yellow throughout all   a  gorgeous  wallpaper  inside  the  wardrobe,
        the floors at a panelling height, which connects   and colour matched the internal doors to the
        everything beautifully.”              orange hues in the print. I added the matching
                                              cushions (all from John Lewis) to our bed, and
        One of the rooms that really stood out to the   then made a headboard using a fabulous velvet
        SCHOTY judges was Beth’s bedroom, with its   stripe material, with matching lampshades and
        striking  seven-foot  rainbow  mural.  Katie  and   even an insert for our fireplace, which was a
        Beth  worked  together  to  create  this  joyful   fantastic  Facebook  Marketplace  find  that  I
        space,  in  hues  of  yellow  and  orange,  with  a   renovated, and Jamie installed.”
        bright pink desk and a homemade bench seat
        to make the most of the sea view.     One  of  the  many  reasons  why  Katie  and
                                              Jamie’s  home  won  Scotland’s  Christmas
        Katie  and  Jamie’s  bedroom  has  recently   Home  of  the  Year  was  the  homemade
        undergone  works  too,  with  the  couple   approach  to  decor,  which  extends  to  the
        planning to optimise the space and create a   eye-catching gallery wall in the family room.
        tranquil place to unwind. “I designed a small   “It’s  one  of  my  favourite  things  about  our
        walk-in wardrobe with bespoke doors to fit a   home, and it’s been curated over time, with
        deep alcove, which MDA Joinery built for me.   lots of homemade parts, and all with special
        I went bold with our colour scheme; we used   memories or meanings,” explains Katie.

 The substantial works eventually began in July   themselves to create the Bay Tree House that
 2020,  and  transformed  the  basement  from   the SCHOTY judges fell in love with. “Our style
 what  once  was  the  street’s  air-raid  shelter,   is  a  colourful,  joyful  one,  which  tells  a  story
 into  a  new  kitchen  and  family  room,  plus  a   about us, while also being mindful of the 1930s
 shower  room,  while  the  original  kitchen  was   features of the house,” says Katie.
 converted into a home office, with a partition
 wall to create a third bedroom at the rear of   Katie and Jamie relied on making moodboards
 the house.   when decorating the property, taking inspiration
 from fabrics including cushions and lampshades.
 However, things didn’t run smoothly, as Katie   “The  basement  conversion  moodboard  was
 explains.  “The  renovation  was  very  slow,   based  around  an  orange,  teal  and  yellow
 and  our  builder  walked  out,  10  days  before   lampshade – we wanted a welcoming, fun space
 Christmas,  with  a  lot  of  our  money,  never  to   that was personal to us, and this fabric made
 be  seen  again!  The  staircase  was  half  fitted,   us all happy. The basement space has lots of
 the old kitchen had been ripped out, windows   pops of colour, from teal wall cupboards and
 and  doors  weren’t  properly  fitted,  walls  were   a bright yellow sofa to an orange shelf – plus
 half plastered, and the electrics and plumbing   accessories, of course.”
 weren’t  complete.  By  Christmas,  friends  had
 laid our floors and called on contacts to help   “We  wanted  an  elegant  living  room,  so  we
 make it habitable. We’ve worked hard over the   used deeper tones of a similar palette, taken
 last three years to finish all the jobs left of what   from  some  Orla  Kiely  cushions.  We  chose  a   SCHOTY 2023 winners, Bay Tree House
 was meant to be a 10-12 week-long renovation.”  dark colour for the walls, which makes this a   Credit: Kirsty Anderson and IWC Media/BBC Scotland
 warm, cosy space to snuggle up in. The stairs
 After  those  major  works  were  complete,  the   and landing across the three floors desperately
 Morris  family  wanted  to  inject  their  home   needed  a  cohesive  look  to  tie  everything   You can catch up on all episodes of Scotland’s Home of the Year on BBC iPlayer, and keep up with
 with  colour  and  personality  and  set  about  it   together. We couldn’t stretch to panelling, so   Katie and Jamie’s property plans on Instagram, @in_a_world_of_colour.

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