Page 49 - February 2024
P. 49

 spathroom  Add accents of luxury

           If you’re keen to make some bigger changes,
 Creating a     try swapping some of your fixtures and fittings
           for a more luxe alternative. A basic white sink
           could be traded for a striking artisanal basin, or
           you could swap plain cabinetry for something
           more refined in marble or even wood.
 Will adding a trend-ticking new
 bathroom add value to your home,
           Swapping old fixtures for new ones is another
 and how can you achieve it?  quick update but avoid the chrome and go for
           burnished copper or brass instead.

           Brushed brass shower, £605, Roper Rhodes
 hen we think about ‘dream homes’,   The  biggest  bathroom  trend  for  2024  is  the
 a  luxurious  bathroom  can  often   ‘spathroom’  -  yes,  you  guessed  it,  a  spa-like
 Wspring to mind. You know the kind: a   bathroom. A space that feels luxe and serene,
 rolltop bath, a rainfall shower, stylish tiles and   light and warm at the same time, where you can
 elegant fixtures, with large windows and a feel   unwind and melt away your cares. It’s a wellness   Consider your storage needs
 of airiness and light. The epitome of self-care,   space, as much as it is a practical requirement.  Nothing ruins the relaxing vibe more than
 if you like.  clutter  –  whether  it’s  toilet  rolls  in  their
        packet  on  the  floor,  or  kids’  bath  toys
 Budget  is  a  big  consideration,  of  course,  and
 Sadly, that’s not usually the case in most regular   if  you’re  thinking  of  recreating  this  luxurious   overflowing, great storage is an essential in
 homes – and that’s fine. Most of us don’t have   aesthetic  in  your  own  home,  you  might  be   creating the right feel. A stylish vanity unit
 the  luxury  of  time  to  indulge  in  a  spa-like   concerned  about  the  cost,  and  whether  you   can be used to display those items you want   A clean aesthetic
 experience  on  a  daily  basis,  after  all.  But  if   can recoup it when the time comes to sell your   to be seen – such as fancy products, candles   Bathrooms should, above all else, feel clean, so
 your bathroom is bringing you down, and you   home.  Typically,  an  updated  bathroom  can   or plants – but you’ll need somewhere to   lean into this with your decor choices. Abandon
 want to create a sense of glamour in the most   potentially add around 5% to the value of your   hide away all those unsightly things too.   bold colours for soothing, neutral tones in your
 everyday of spaces, there’s much that can be   home, so if you’re careful with the purse strings,   tiles and paintwork, such as classic clean white,
 done, even without an extravagant budget.  making  these  changes  can  make  your  home   or warm beige tones. You can easily paint over
 more valuable.                             tiles if your budget won’t stretch to a refit, and
                       Barham Milk roller blind,   there are many options for vinyl stickers to cover
 So, how can you turn your bathroom into your   Thomas Sanderson  unsightly floors too.
 own private sanctuary?
                                            Make a bigger change
                                            If your bathroom is totally tired and makes you
                                            feel  more  drab  than  fab,  consider  whether  a
                                            bigger  overhaul  is  what  it  really  needs.  Do  you
 Quality linens                             have  space  for  a  separate  bath  and  shower?
 You’d  never  find  a  scratchy  towel  in  a     A  freestanding  tub  screams  indulgence,  while
 five-star  spa,  so  treat  yourself  to  a  bale   nothing  feels  fancier  than  a  walk-in  shower
 of  ultra-soft,  super  fluffy  towels  and   enclosure – and if you can squeeze both into your
 bathrobes, for the cheapest and quickest   space, it will always feel decadent. Careful layout
 way to update your bathroom.               plans are key, as well as buying the best you can
                                            afford if you’re thinking of selling in the future, so
 Retreat knitted towels, from £3, b&m       your bathroom stands the test of time and offers
                                            real quality.

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