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          The House Price Report: December 2024
                                                                                            Edinburgh buyers paid the highest premium
            We look at what’s been happening in the local property market over              in  the  trendy  East,  at  104%.  One-bedroom   140
                                 the last three months.                                     flats  around  Leith  Walk,  Easter  Road,  Pilrig
                                                                                            and Bonnington commanded an especially   solicitor estate agents
                                                                                            high premium of 105.5%, hinting at very high   ready to help you buy and sell homes
                                                                                            demand, while family-friendly Willowbrae saw
             he average selling price of property   could the VAT hike for private schools be   the  highest  premium  of  any  ESPC  location   Over
             across Edinburgh, the Lothians, Fife   the reason for this?                    at  109%.  Given  its  proximity  to  two  popular
        Tand the Borders was £286,017 during                                                secondary schools, this may again be the   2,300
        October-December  2024,  up  6%  on  the   Overall, Edinburgh’s Grange was the most   impact of families choosing to relocate their   homes for sale
        same time the previous year.        expensive neighbourhood, with homes             children’s schooling to state options.
                                            selling for £530,492. Jedburgh in the Borders                                           223,360
        Nearly all areas covered by ESPC saw healthy   offered the best affordability, at £112,773.  The property market saw a substantial   My ESPC emails sent during December
        increases to average selling prices. The                                            amount of activity during October-December.
        Borders’ average rose 8% to £219,067, while   Property sales report a decline in the average   Property listings were up 4.5% year-on-year,
        West Fife & Kinross reported a 17.5% increase   amount of the Home Report valuation   indicating high seller confidence. Dunfermline
        to  £229,004.  Dunfermline’s  29%  increase   achieved at sale, with homes attaining 102%,   offered the highest volumes of property
        took averages there to £230,233. However,   much the same as last year.             listings, followed by Leith.          on a positive note for the housing market,
        you could find the most affordable property                                                                               with incredibly healthy levels of activity across
        on the market in Dunfermline – one-bed flats   The Borders offered the best opportunity to   Sales  volumes  rose  by  a  significant  25%.   the board. We’ve seen everything from rising
        in the city sold for £96,475 on average.  buy a property for less than its Home Report   Dunfermline boasted the highest volume of   property prices to decreasing sales times, and
                                            valuation,  with  homes  achieving  98.9%  on   sales, followed by Leith and Corstorphine.   generous  increases  in  the  volumes  of  both
        In Edinburgh, the North West reported a   average. East Fife experienced the largest   Interestingly, Corstorphine’s sales volumes   property listings and property sales – all key
        22%  increase  to  £316,219,  while  the  city   decline,  with  buyers  paying  99.3%  of  the   were  significantly  up  annually,  again  hinting   indicators of a buoyant market.
        centre rose 15% to £343,793. With both areas   Home  Report valuation  – a 3.8 percentage   at increasing demand from families looking to
        offering access to popular state schooling,   point decrease.                                                             “Once again, Dunfermline and the East of
                                                                                            be close to good schooling options.
                                                                                                                                  Edinburgh both appear to offer the strongest
                                                                                                                                  appeal for buyers, with extremely active
                                                                                            Two-bedroom flats in Leith were yet again the   markets in both of these locations. It’s also
                                                                                            top sellers, followed by one-bed flats in Leith,   especially interesting to note the increasing
           Key points  £286,017                                                             where sales volumes were 56.5% higher than   neighbourhoods of Edinburgh that offer
                                                                                            and  in  third  place,  one-bed  flats  in  Gorgie,
                                                                                                                                  property prices and demand for homes in
                                                                                            at the same time last year.
                 average selling price
                                                                                                                                  access to highly rated state schooling; we did
                                                                                                                                  predict that this may be the case in 2025 but
                 Prices rose 6% annually during October-December.
                                                                                            The median selling time of property was 21
                                                                                            days, which is one day faster year-on-year.   it appears we may be seeing this beginning
                                                                                                                                  already, with families keen to secure homes
                                                                                            The  quickest-selling  area  was  West  Fife  &   close to good state schooling ahead of private
                 102%                            21 days                                    Kinross, where homes were snapped up in   school VAT increases coming into force.
                                                                                            only 14 days, while homes in East Fife took 42
                 average percentage of Home      median time to sell                        days to go under offer.
                 Report valuation achieved                                                                                        “If you’re thinking of buying or selling a home
                                                                                                                                  in Edinburgh, the Lothians, Fife or the Borders,
                 Just 0.4 percentage points lower   One day quicker than the same           What does it all mean?                contact your local ESPC solicitor estate agent
                 than last year, in good news for   time last year.                         Paul Hilton, CEO of ESPC, commented: “The   for the most up-to-date information and local
                 buyers and sellers.                                                        final three months of 2024 saw the year end   market insights.”

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