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                How to invest in property in 2025

                    Considering creating a property portfolio this year?
             ESPC Lettings’ Head of Lettings, Nicky Lloyd explains how it’s done.

                                                                                            Think about your mortgage
                                                                                            Lenders usually base how much
                                                                                            you can borrow by how much rent
                                                                                            you will charge, rather than your current
                                                                                            salary. This requires planning and research
                                                                                            to make sure your rental income will cover
                                                                                            your mortgage repayments and any additional
                                                                                            expenses, such as insurance  and building
                                                                                            management fees. Mortgage advice is very
                                                                                            helpful when you’re starting out, to help you
                                                                                            secure  a  specialist  buy-to-let  mortgage  if   Keep up with changes to legislation
                                                                                            you’re not a cash buyer.              There are many responsibilities that landlords
                                                                                                                                  need to be aware of, especially when it comes
                                                                                            ESPC Lettings can help you build and develop   to laws and regulations. For instance, in the past
                                                                                            your  portfolio  with  continued  buy-to-let   year alone, we’ve seen many changes to rental
                                                                                            advice and regularly review your portfolio’s   legislation, including changes to the Additional
                                                                                            performance to ensure you are getting the   Dwelling Supplement coming into force  in
                                                                                            best return.                          December 2024, and rules around rental rate
         t’s  well-known  that  there  is  a  huge   What kind of investment do you want?                                         increases  (both  in  and  out  of  tenancies)  and
         demand for housing in Scotland, and   The first step is working out your budget, and your   Consider the area            the right to serve eviction notices.
      Iespecially in Edinburgh. Privately rented   preferred property type. Do you want a compact   If  you’re  considering  investing  in  a  buy-to-
       properties make up 14% of Scotland’s   city flat, or a family home in the suburbs? Can   let property, the location is one of the most   Being a landlord is a commitment and
       households but demand suggests this figure   you afford a turnkey home, or will you need to   important factors to consider. The location   something that you should take seriously,
       could be higher, so if you’re considering   renovate?                                can often determine the type of tenant you   but it can be easily managed by choosing to
       property investment, now could be a good                                             will attract as well as be an indication on how   use a lettings management service, like ESPC
       time to take the leap.             ESPC’s monthly House Price Reports offer great    quickly the property may let.         Lettings. We can guide you in managing all
                                          insights into property prices in various locations,                                     aspects of your property, including marketing,
       Scottish private rental rates have increased   so you can work out where your money will   We found one-bedroom properties in the EH3   vetting tenants, rent collection and inventories,
       dramatically over the last decade, meaning   stretch furthest. At ESPC Lettings, we can also   postcode  and  three-bedroom  homes  in  EH8   to make the process smooth and simple.
       that they can be a great long-term revenue   advise on the best Edinburgh postcodes in terms   performed best during the third quarter of
       stream. Property prices are also fairly   of expected rental yield.                  2024,  offering  the  highest  yield  (7.5%).  EH3   ESPC Lettings
       steady at the moment, meaning you could                                              covers the world-famous New Town and all of   ESPC  Lettings  is a  letting  agent  based in
       buy a property for closer to its valuation   You’ll need to budget for any renovations or   its glorious Georgian architecture in the heart   Edinburgh. If you’re interested in entering the
       price, making the initial investment more   updates the property may need, an HMO licence   of the city, while EH8 spans neighbourhoods   buy-to-let market, the team can offer expert
       affordable.                        if you wish to take that path, and a contingency   including Meadowbank, Willowbrae, Abbeyhill   advice  on  your  buy-to-let  properties  and
                                          for ongoing maintenance. To attract a good rental   and Newington, and offers a variety of homes   portfolio and also provide a fully managed
       Ready  to  purchase  a  buy-to-let  home  this   rate and happy, responsible tenants, the property   suited to students, young professionals   letting  service  for  landlords.  Get  in  touch
       year? Here’s what you should consider when   should be appealing: well-presented, secure and   working in the city and families looking for a   with  the team  on  or
       building your property portfolio.   weathertight – somewhere you’d be happy to live.   home close to good schools.         0131 253 2847 to find out more.

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