Page 28 - ESPC_Jan25
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        Over the border line

        If you’re planning a move across
        the border in 2025, here’s how
        to make it more seamless.                                                            The largest hurdle facing a seller whose property is in England
                                                                                              is progressing with their own sale as much as possible before
                                                                                                       dipping their toe into the Scottish market...

                                                                                                                 Peter Moore, Purchase Negotiator at Warners

                                                                                            for both the seller and the purchaser is not   are also instructed in the English sale. While
                                                                                            instructed until after an offer is accepted. Any   there are inherent differences between the
                                                                                            one of these points can make a seller and   jurisdictions, our team  can overcome some
         f you’re thinking of selling up in Scotland                                        their representative nervous when receiving   of the fears and advise on practical problems
         and relocating to England – or vice versa                                          an offer on their Scottish home, as they could   that can present themselves when moving
      I– you’ve probably already wondered about                                             cause delays to completion, or worse, risk the   between varying legal processes.”
       how to make the buying and selling process                                           chain collapsing completely.
       work when there are two different legal                                                                                    In short, if you’re considering moving across
       systems at play.                                                                     “When I am helping a client with their journey   the border this year, your best course of action
                                                                                            into the Scottish market, to mitigate as much   is to speak to a trusted solicitor estate agency
       The most common way that home movers   Peter Moore, Purchase Negotiator at Warners,   anxiety  as  possible,  I  try  to  get  as  much   prior to commencing your property search, to
       make the transition between the two locations   explains:  “There  is  a  definite  opportunity  for   information  relating  to  their  English  sale  as   find out how they can support you to make the
       (Editor’s  note:  including  myself!)  is  to  sell  in   purchasers moving from England to Scotland   possible, before they instruct an offer, with the   purchase process as easy as possible. You can
       one location, and then move into rented or   to link their transactions, avoiding breaking   expectation that the resulting offer will be as   find an ESPC agent at
       temporary accommodation in the location   their property chains. In my experience, the   attractive as possible and will offer the seller
       you’re intending to buy in, starting the purchase   largest hurdle facing a seller whose property is   the confidence needed to accept it.”
       process from scratch there.          in England is progressing with their own sale as
                                            much as possible before dipping their toe into   Steven Drake is a Partner at Thorntons, who
       On the plus side, it reduces your property chain   the Scottish market, but other issues do arise   is dual-qualified in both English and Scots law:
       on both transactions, making you effectively   which can complicate the process.     “It’s absolutely possible to synchronise a move
       chain-free, or as attractive as a first-time buyer                                   north or south – without incurring the cost or
       when you come to buy your next home. On   “From my understanding of the English system,   trouble of renting for a time or having to try
       the other hand, it means going through the   having  spent  my  first  ten  years  learning  my   and  juggle  (or  struggle!)  dealing  with  firms
       conveyancing process twice, takes a lot longer   trade south of the border, completion can take   on either side of the border, who have little
       than  your  average  buy-and-sell  experience,   far  longer  than  the  standard  six-eight  week   or no knowledge of the other conveyancing
       and means you need to pay two sets of   timeframe we see in Scotland, and there is no   process. Thorntons has a dedicated team
       legal fees, as well as understanding how the   Home  Report requirement when a property   who  specialises  in  cross-border,  English  and
       conveyancing process works in both countries.  goes live, with any offer made being subject to   Welsh transactions, headed up by a Partner
                                            a valuation. Properties can be both leasehold   with more than 20 years’ experience in English
       But is there a way to make it easier, or even to   and freehold, with some leases offering   conveyancing.  We  find  it  can  help  a  client
       make it as seamless as buying and selling in   less than 100 years, which can limit lenders’   secure a property purchase in Scotland, when
       the same country?                    conviction to lend, and legal representation    the selling agents are comforted that we

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