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 A helping hand  Laura’s story:  Overcoming homelessness and low self-esteem

        Laura grew up in a dysfunctional family   cope and am emotionally stronger. I have a
 How ESPC’s charity partner, Rock Trust, is supporting young people    environment, characterised by neglect and   renewed sense of hope and determination, I
 experiencing homelessness in your local area.   substance abuse. She faced emotional and   can finally see my own worth and believe in
        physical  abuse,  leading  to  Laura’s  low  self-  my potential.”
        esteem  and  developing  anorexia  nervosa
 SPC is proudly supporting youth   From the age of 12, Lewis found himself   during her adolescence, which she hid from her   With the stability provided by Rock Trust,
 homelessness charity Rock Trust as its   bouncing between living with his mum and his   family and peers. On turning 17, Laura’s home   Laura could focus on her physical and mental
 Echarity partner into 2025. As we work   dad. He even spent a brief period with his sister   situation became unbearable, prompting her   health, gaining weight  and rebuilding  her
 to raise awareness and funds, we wanted to   around Christmas 2023, but by New Year’s, his   to leave. With limited resources and support,   self-esteem.  She  also  accessed  educational
 share with our readers some real-life stories of   living situation had reached breaking point.   she found herself on the streets. Navigating   opportunities, empowering her to envision
 how the organisation is helping young people   Desperate for stability, Lewis found refuge with   the challenges of homelessness exacerbated   a brighter future beyond homelessness and
 to get out of the horrors of homelessness and   his friend’s family, sleeping on their sofa for a few   her condition, making it increasingly difficult   her eating disorder. The impact on Laura’s
 step into a more stable future.  months. Lewis believes this was a turning point   for her to prioritise her health.  life has been profound, and despite ongoing
 in managing his mental health, due to the safety   challenges, she continues to persevere,
 and security provided by his friend’s parents.  Laura was referred to Rock Trust by a   embracing the journey of self-discovery and
        local Child and Adolescent Mental Health   healing with courage and resilience.
 As soon as he turned 16, Lewis took the brave   Service, where the team provided
 step of registering himself homeless with Fife   immediate help, including access to
 Council, which led him to be referred to Rock   housing support, food and medical
 Trust.   assistance.

 Since receiving support from Rock Trust, Lewis   Since becoming involved with Rock
 has  moved  into  temporary  accommodation,   Trust,  Laura  has  made  significant
 which has given  him  the  stability he needed.   progress. She received intensive
 While he remains deeply grateful for his friend’s   housing support, and lives in a
 family, he didn’t want to overstay his welcome.   permanent  tenancy house.  She
 Now,  with  the  help  of  Rock  Trust,  Lewis  has   continues to receive specialised
 Lewis’ story:  been able to set up a new Universal Credit claim,   treatment for her anorexia nervosa,
 manage the paperwork for his accommodation,
        including therapy and nutritional
 and begin building a more secure future.   support.
 Finding stability and support with Rock Trust
 “It’s good to have the support, and it’s good to   “I finally feel a sense of belonging
 Lewis’ childhood was marked by challenges   talk to someone, not having to make this journey   and support that I never had
 at home. His mum struggled with mental   all on my own,” Lewis reflects, appreciating the   before,”  Laura  shares.  “Through
 health issues, while his dad was recovering   steady guidance he’s found with Rock Trust.   therapy and the help I’ve received,
 from drug addiction and dealing with alcohol   I’ve learned healthier ways to
 dependency.  These  difficult  situations  took   Through determination and the right support,
 a toll on Lewis’ wellbeing, affecting both his   Lewis is now on a path toward a brighter future,
 emotional health and his school attendance,   leaving behind the uncertainty and instability of
 leaving him in a vulnerable position.  his early years.  If you’d like to find out more about Rock Trust, or make a donation in 2025, visit

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