Page 41 - ESPC_Jan25
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 new buyer within a couple of weeks. Once we   the living room area in the new year, including
 had secured a buyer, we focused our efforts   adding a log burner, and after that, we hope to   We knew roughly what we were looking for in a property, and as serial
 on finding our next home and were extremely   replace the bathroom, and update the three
 relieved  to  find  this  property  and  have  our   bedrooms and the hallway.”  renovators, we were hoping for a project, but otherwise we were quite
 offer accepted. With only a few days to go   open – it was always going to be about what the location could offer us.
 before moving, our solicitor informed us that   “We love traditional style and period features,
 something hadn’t been applied for properly by   adding a modern twist where we can –
 our buyers and it meant they couldn’t move   ‘eclectic comfort’ is probably a good way to
 forward with the agreed date – another painful   describe our style,” Amy continues. “Above all
 week went by, and then the day finally came   our home needs to feel cosy and welcoming.
 and it all happened so quickly! I don’t think   Most of our furniture is second-hand, slowly   As  a  self-professed  ‘serial  renovator’,  Amy
 either of us could quite believe the wait was   collected over time, and we love using earthy,   has also shared some sage advice for anyone
 finally over.”  muted colours on the walls, natural textures   considering buying a ‘doer-upper’ this year. “Trust
 and incorporating beautiful, handmade items   the process and follow your heart – I always think
 Two years into life in their flat, Amy and her   like artwork and pottery.”  you can tell just by the feeling you get when you
 husband have been painstakingly renovating   walk into a place, if you’d be happy living there.
 the property to turn it into their ideal home,   With so much going on at home, do the couple   Look past dated décor, or something that isn’t to
 with plenty of plans still in the pipeline, as   ever consider their next move, or do they feel   your taste, as it can be changed. If the location
 Amy explains: “The grand plan is to renovate   like this is their forever home? “We are always   feels right, you can probably make the property
 entirely, and so far, we have taken down a wall   thinking about the next project!”, laughs Amy.   feel right too. If you’re renovating, there’s always
 between the kitchen and living room, creating   “I don’t think we’ll get to the ‘forever home’   more  work  than  first  appears!  Expect  things
 a  big,  gorgeous  space.  We’ve  replaced  the   stage for quite a while yet. There is just so   to be trickier than you anticipated – expect the
 floor in these two rooms with beech flooring   much potential out there! We are both serial   surprises and hopefully, it will be easier to take
 reclaimed from a school hall, and my husband   property browsers and are always intrigued by   them in your stride (and budget for them!)”.
 is currently working on a hand-built solid ply   the idea of what home or life we could create
 kitchen. We’re hoping to start redecorating   for ourselves next.”  If you’d like to keep up with Amy’s home renovations, you can follow her Instagram @our.edinburghplace.

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