Page 43 - ESPC_Jan25
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New year,                                                        INTERIORS INSIDER

     new houseplants

 with Dobbies

 Dobbies’ Senior Plant Buyer, Claire Bishop, chats through what houseplants
 people can find at the garden centre in the new year, and the benefits of
 bringing greenery indoors.

 aking down decorations after the   Whether you’re looking to fill the space your
 festive season can make our homes   Christmas tree left, spruce up some empty
 Tfeel a bit bare, so January is the perfect   shelves, or add a pop of greenery to a neutral
 time to welcome life and vibrancy back into   bathroom, Dobbies’ new houseplant range for
 your space with houseplants.   2025 offers a varied selection for all areas of
 the home.
             Kitchen greenery                   Uplifting living spaces
   Botanical bathrooms
           If you’re looking to brighten up your   Houseplants are a wonderful way to
 Claire says that houseplants can transform   kitchen and give it a fresh look and feel   welcome joy into living spaces and can
 your bathroom into a serene, spa-like retreat,   for  the new year, Claire says there are   help dark rooms appear brighter with
 and notes that this is a great environment for   plenty of houseplants that do well in this   their vibrant leaves. For a full effect, Claire
 some plant varieties to thrive. Ferns and other   space. Fill empty shelves and corners with   recommends grouping different sizes of
 green plants are a good choice for bathrooms   the air purifying spathiphyllum, or peace   plants together. Larger palms can be styled
 as they do well with humidity, and succulents   lily. These elegant plants are proven to   with small chlorophytum comosums, or
 are also great for this room thanks to their   remove toxins from the air so can make   spider plants, and trailing plants in baskets
 compact nature.  your kitchen feel brighter and fresher, and   for a jungle feel.
           they’re easy to look after, requiring little to
 When choosing plants for  your  bathroom,   no maintenance on a day-to-day basis.  Claire notes that larger climbing plants
 Claire says you should consider the light levels   can be supported with moss poles to
 and temperature. Low-light plants like the air   Other houseplants that will elevate a   encourage  growth  and  stability.  Position
 purifying  calathea  (prayer  plant)  do  well  in   kitchen environment include the monstera,   these plants in a bright spot near a window
 bathrooms thanks to their ability to survive   or cheese plant. Ideal for making an impact,   but out of direct sunlight and water when
 with little natural light, and will enhance your   the dramatic monstera with its glossy   the top layer of soil feels dry to the touch.
 space with its visually striking foliage. Tillandsia,   leaves is also an air purifier. Claire suggests
 also known as Spanish moss, is also a fantastic   pairing it with the dypsis, or parlour palm,   The  new  houseplant collections  launch in
 plant for bathrooms and can be styled hanging   as the different layers of textures and   Dobbies stores across the UK and online from
 down from shelves with ivy for a tropical vibe.  height will create an interesting effect.   January 2025, visit

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