Page 27 - June 2023
P. 27

EXPERT ADVICE                                                       EXPERT ADVICE

                   The best property postcodes for
 How does porting a          Edinburgh investors
 mortgage work?
              Using the latest rental data from Citylets and house price information
 Paul Demarco, Independent Mortgage   from ESPC, Head of ESPC Lettings Nicky Lloyd shares some of the best
 Adviser at ESPC Mortgages, discusses   areas for buy-to-let property investment in Edinburgh.
 how to take your mortgage with you
 when moving home.  f  you’re  considering  purchasing  a  buy-to-  6.8% while one-bedroom homes had a yield
           let  property,  location  is one  of the most   of 6.1%.
        Iimportant factors to consider. While your
        budget may dictate where and what type of   EH11: Gorgie, Sighthill and The Calders
        property you purchase, the location will dictate   Homes in EH11 are a great investment
        the type of tenant you’re likely to attract, how   opportunity with easy access to the city centre.
        quickly the property is likely to rent and the yield
        that can be achieved.
                                             Boasting great access to the city centre via
                                             bus or tram, making the area popular with
 f you are moving home and have a mortgage   Understanding the kind of yield your property   young professionals, locations in EH11 have
 product with early repayment charges, it is   can expect is key to making a great investment –   seen notable renter demand.
 Iusually possible to transfer the mortgage   so, combining the latest rental data from Citylets
 onto a new property. This is called porting   with ESPC’s house price information, we can
 and means your mortgage would continue to   reveal the three postcodes that provided the   Two-bedroom properties in EH11 achieved an
 run for the remainder of the initial chargeable   strongest  rental  yields  during  the  first  quarter   average rental yield of 6.1% during Q1 2023
 period, as it would have if you hadn’t moved.  The downside to porting a mortgage is that   of 2023.   while  three-bedroom  properties  offered  a
 it limits you to using products from your   yield of 6% and one-bedroom properties had
 If you don’t port your mortgage, you could pay   existing lender. You may also not be able to   EH12: Corstorphine and Murrayfield    a yield of 5.9%.
 the early repayment charge and start a new   consolidate all your borrowing under one   Homes in the EH12 postcode performed strongly
 mortgage elsewhere, but porting will allow you   mortgage for a period of time – this might   during the first quarter of 2023, with properties   EH8: Holyrood, Abbeyhill and Willowbrae
 to keep your existing mortgage terms, avoiding   mean more arrangement fees in the future to   here proving popular with a range of renters.    EH8 offers an ideal  investment  opportunity,
 early repayment penalties.   get preferential rates for both accounts until      with this location becoming popular with
 they are aligned.  Located to the west of the city centre, and   families and young professionals.
 If you require additional funds for your new   covering neighbourhoods such as Corstorphine,
 property, you will need to negotiate with your   While porting a mortgage can be a good idea   Murrayfield,  and  Saughtonhall,  this  postcode   The area offers great access to the city, the
 current lender on the terms of this borrowing.   for some homeowners, it can sometimes be a   offers a variety of homes suited to students,   coast and green spaces, with plentiful amenities
 This  will  generally  involve  taking  on  a  top-  difficult process, but an ESPC mortgage adviser   young professionals working in the city and   and excellent transport links, making it a very
 up product for the balance required to run   will be able to work out if it’s the best option   families looking for a home close to good   popular choice for a wide variety of tenants.
 alongside your existing loan amount.  for you.  schools and green spaces, plus it offers excellent
        local  amenities  and  first-rate  transport  links,   Three-bedroom properties offered an average
        thanks to the bus and tram routes close by.  gross  rental  yield  of  6.5%  during  the  first
                                             quarter  of  2023,  while  one-bedroom  homes
 ESPC Mortgages offer expert mortgage advice in Edinburgh.  consultation with an adviser is free and without obligation.
 If you are looking for mortgage advice, get in touch with the  Thereafter, ESPC Mortgages’ charges for mortgage advice are   Two-bedroom  properties  in  EH12  performed   provided  a  yield  of  5.8%  and  two-beds
 team on 0131 253 2920 or   usually £350 (£295 for first time buyers).  strongest, with an average gross rental yield of   achieved 5.5%.
 The information contained in this article is provided in good  YOUR HOME MAY BE REPOSSESSED IF YOU DO NOT KEEP
 faith. Whilst every care has been taken in the preparation of  UP  REPAYMENTS  ON  A  MORTGAGE  OR  OTHER  LOANS
 the information, no responsibility is accepted for any errors  SECURED AGAINST IT.  ESPC Lettings is an Edinburgh letting agent. We can help with marketing your rental property and finding the right tenants.
 which,  despite  our  precautions,  it  may  contain.  The initial   Contact the team on 0131 253 2847 or
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