Page 28 - June 2023
P. 28

         Beautiful Borders                                                                  Melrose

                                                                                            The town of Melrose is located next to
                                                                                            the River Tweed and the Eildon Hills, the
                                                                                            most distinctive single landmark in the
                                                                                            Scottish Borders.
               The Borders has been a desirable place to live for some time,
                                                                                            The town is known for its rugby and
               but the increase in home working and desire for outdoor space
                                                                                            the annual Melrose Sevens, which is the
              over the past few years have made it an even more sought-after
                                                                                            oldest rugby sevens competition in the
                              area for many home buyers.                                    world, is a hugely popular event.
                                                                                            For those who love nature, there
                                                                                            is Priorwood Garden located in the   Queen  Victoria  stayed  at  Abbotsford  on  her  first
                                                                                            ancient precinct of Melrose Abbey. Just   visit to Scotland and was so inspired by it that she
                                                                                            outside Melrose is Abbotsford House,   remodelled the royal residence of Balmoral Castle in
                                                                                            home of the author Sir Walter Scott.   the same style.

                                                                                                  With many people now seeking additional living space to
                                                                                              accommodate home working, it’s no surprise that the prospect of
                                                                                              a bigger, more affordable home in the Borders is very appealing.

              hether you love being beside the sea   Peebles
              or looking out onto open countryside,   A Royal Burgh since 1152 and the rule of King
       Wyou don’t have to choose when it    David I, picturesque Peebles has for many                                         Lauder
       comes to living in the Borders, with both options   years been a market town cherished by locals                       The charming village of Lauder is surrounded by
       in great supply.                     and visitors alike for its charming and unspoiled                                 stunning Borders scenery and offers fantastic
                                            character.                                                                        views across to the impressive Thirlestane Castle.
       One  of the  biggest  incentives for Borders                                                                           It’s a great base for families, as it’s set within the
       buyers is the affordability of homes in the area.   Located just 23 miles away from Edinburgh,                         catchment area for the highly renowned Earlston
       With many people now seeking additional   the town sits on the River Tweed and has                                     High School.
       living space to accommodate home working,   something for everyone, from outdoor activities
       it’s no surprise that the prospect of a bigger,   like  fishing,  walking,  golf,  cycling  and  horse                 Plus, for those who work in the capital, commuting
       more affordable home in the Borders is very   riding  to  fantastic  shopping,  award-winning                          between  Lauder  and  Edinburgh  is  made  easy  via
       appealing.                           restaurants and outstanding accommodation                                         a direct bus and the A68 which runs from the City
                                            to suit all budgets.                                                              Bypass right through the centre of Lauder.
       Read on to find out why this tranquil corner of                                                                        If you love hill-walking, Lauder is positioned on the
       the country could be the perfect place for you   The average house price in Peebles is £229,963.            Lauder     western edge of the Lammermuir Hills.
       to find your new home.

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