Page 38 - June 2023
P. 38


                                                                                                Left to right: John Lewis Ipanema Heritage, £40;
                                                                                                              John Lewis Fruit Tree, £40

                                                                                                    In wallpaper, the biggest trends for 2023 leaned

                                                                                                      towards bigger patterns and bolder colours.

                                                                                            Colour palettes for 2023 range from   rooms giving them a burst of individuality
                                                                                            mediterranean pinks and terracottas, warm   such as bathrooms, boot rooms, pantries
                                                                                            caramels and midtone browns to bright     and hallways. Another option is to split
                                                                                            yellows and blues and tomato reds, all bringing   wallpapers and have one style at the top and
                                                                                            a bit of much needed joy and happiness into    another pattern underneath; or add wallpaper
                                                                                            our homes.                           to  borders  round  doorways;  the  inside  of
                                                                                                                                 cupboards or to panelling.
                                                                                            We are also seeing a different way in which
                                                                                            we use wallpapers, not so much the feature   On all levels, wallpaper is making a bold
                                                                                            wall anymore but all the walls and the ceilings   comeback  like  we’ve never  known  before, a
                                                                                            too. We have dramatic statements in smaller   movement we all need to embrace again.

                                                                                                                     Interested in making an appointment with a Home Design Stylist?
                                   John Lewis Oxalisa, £30                                                        Simply book online at or ask about the service in store.
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