Page 35 - May 2023
P. 35

INTERIORS INSIDER                                                   EXPERT ADVICE

                   How do offset mortgages work?
 Aye aye captain!  David Lauder, Independent Mortgage Adviser at ESPC Mortgages,

                            gives an overview of offset mortgages.

             here are many different mortgage
             products to choose from and one of the   still have the option to pay in lump sums if you
                                              prefer to the mortgage balance, however, the
        Tmost powerful options to save money is   offset savings account is doing the same thing,
        offset mortgages as it means your money will   as the total balance is aggregated against the
        be working harder for you.            mortgage debt.
 Reminiscent of still ocean waters, this warm shade has a
 casual charm. A versatile, mid-toned blue that’s ideal in   How does it work?  Who can set up an offset
 sociable areas of the home.  Your outstanding mortgage   mortgage?
        balance is offset by your                         You may need to be at
        savings balance which is                          a certain stage of your
        required to be with your                          financial  life  to  be  suitable
        mortgage provider in a                            but professionals, high net
        separate account arranged                         worth clients or people who
        by your lender, and you only                      are disciplined with  their
        pay interest on the surplus                       money and have a good
        balance of the mortgage                           month  to  month  surplus
        instead of the full amount.                       which continues to build up
                                                          could  certainly  find  this  a
        For instance, if your mortgage                    suitable solution.
        is £100,000 and you have
        £50,000 of savings then you                       It is worth noting that your
        will only be charged interest                     savings in the offset facility
        on  the  £50,000  surplus                         will  accrue  no  interest
        balance of your mortgage.                         but are, in essence, tax free
        However, if you continue to                       which is an added bonus. In
        make the required payments                        the current climate, an offset
        based on the full £100,000                        mortgage can be a good
        balance then your mortgage                        option when mortgage rates
        will be repaid even quicker. In                   are higher and means your
        essence these will be treated as overpayments,   money is working harder to reduce the level
        and the interest payable will be considerably   of interest accrued against these increased
        less during the mortgage term. You will also   rates.

        ESPC Mortgages offer expert mortgage advice in Edinburgh.  consultation with an adviser is free and without obligation.
        If you are looking for mortgage advice, get in touch with the  Thereafter, ESPC Mortgages’ charges for mortgage advice are
        team on 0131 253 2920 or   usually £350 (£295 for first time buyers).
        The information contained in this article is provided in good  YOUR HOME MAY BE REPOSSESSED IF YOU DO NOT KEEP
        faith. Whilst every care has been taken in the preparation of  UP  REPAYMENTS  ON  A  MORTGAGE  OR  OTHER  LOANS
 Skipper 2.5L Claypaint, £54, Earthborn,
        the information, no responsibility is accepted for any errors  SECURED AGAINST IT.  which,  despite  our  precautions,  it  may  contain.  The initial
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