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      lindsays                                                                                                             The

      Safe as houses - a Will can help                                                                  comfort zone

      Making a Will can safeguard your home to your loved ones.
      Otherwise, the law will take over.

      No one wants to think about death or   Rather than adding to the distress  of                  A quaint steading conversion in West Lothian makes an idyllic
      disaster when they’re celebrating a   loved ones, a Will can provide protection                                  place to call home.
      house purchase. But since it’s probably   and certainty.
      the biggest financial commitment you’ve
      ever made, you need to consider what   Updating an existing Will
      would happen if you died.             If you already have a Will,
                                            congratulations. But you should certainly
      Scotland has rigid laws about who     review it, and perhaps update it, when
      inherits your property, if you die    you buy a property – to make sure it suits
      without a Will it can have unforeseen   your situation.
                                            So, rather than crossing your fingers it’s
      The risks you run                     so much safer to make a Will.
      If you own a property and die
      without a Will:

      •   Cohabitees don’t have an automatic
         right to inherit, unlike spouses and
         civil partners.
      •   Depending on your title deeds, they
         may not be entitled to any part of the          Clare McCarroll
         property at all.                                Partner, Private Client Services
      •   Alternatively, a cohabitee you never 
         wanted to inherit the property could            0131 656 5609
         go to court to claim a share of it.
      •   Your children or any other chosen
         beneficiaries could miss out on an
         inheritance you wanted them to
      •   Your estate could face legal disputes
         and additional fees.

      Edinburgh | Glasgow | Dundee | Perth | Crieff                      Follow us                                    @lindsaysnews         @lindsays

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   Advertorial - ESPC - Property Wills - 148 x 210mm - Sept 2023.indd   2
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