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                                                                                                  I have a mortgage – what does this mean for me?
             The base rate cut: what happens next?
                                                                                             Here’s what you need to know if you have an existing mortgage:
              David Lauder, independent mortgage adviser at ESPC Mortgages,
                                                                                             •  For those on a fixed mortgage deal, there’s no change for now
                   discusses what the base rate cut could mean for you.                       – but make sure to check rates if your deal is ending soon.
                                                                                              Regardless of what happens to the base rate, the amount you
                                                                                              pay won’t change during your fixed period.
           here was good news for borrowers in   The decision to cut the base rate comes after
           August, as the Bank of England cut the   inflation returned to the Bank’s 2% target in   •  If you’re on a tracker mortgage that ‘tracks’ the base rate,
       Tbase rate from 5.25% to 5%.         May 2024 and stayed there in June, despite        you’ll see your rate come down, with a change to your monthly
                                            stubbornly high services inflation. It was a tight   repayments within days or weeks, depending on when your next
       The base rate is used by the central bank to   decision, and there was a word of caution from   repayment is.
       charge other banks and lenders when they   the BoE Governor, Andrew Bailey, highlighting
       borrow money, so the move has already had a   the  need  to  ensure  that  inflation  stays  low,   •  If you’re on your lender’s standard variable rate (SVR), the rate
       positive impact on mortgage rates, with many   and to be careful not to cut interest rates too   you pay currently might also come down. You’re usually moved
       lenders even offering rate reductions prior to   quickly, or by too much.              onto  your  lender’s  SVR  after  your  fixed  or  tracker  deal  ends.
       the announcement being made.                                                           SVRs  can be changed by  lenders  at short notice, and  this  is
                                            The hope is, however, that the positive trend     down to their individual discretion.
       The base rate reduction is the first in over four   will continue, and the Bank of England make
       years; the last time was in March 2020, when   one or two further reductions in borrowing
       the base rate fell to its all-time lowest level   costs by the end of the year.
       of just 0.1%. The rate then hit a 16-year high
       of 5.25% in August 2023 after 14 consecutive   This  positive  news  certainly  seems  to  have
       increases, before being held at that level until   increased activity and enquiries in the property
       the 1 August 2024 announcement.      market, coinciding with the summer holidays
                                            coming to an end, which traditionally also
                                            provides a spike in activity. The coming
                                            months will provide a clearer indication of how
                                            well-received this news is for existing and new
                                             mortgage borrowers.

                                                Hopefully,  this  is  the  first  sign  of  a
                                                 positive trend over the months
                                                  to come, and new and existing
                                                   borrowers alike can feel more
                                                    comfortable  and  confident  with
                                                    being a homeowner, but only time
                                                    will tell exactly how much of an
                                                    impact this news will have.

                                                    ESPC Mortgages can help with all aspects
                                                   of understanding your budget, applying for
                                                   a mortgage and dealing with the relevant   The information contained in this article is provided in good faith. Whilst   The  initial  consultation  with  an  ESPC  Mortgages  adviser  is  free  and
                                                                                                                                 without obligation. Thereafter, ESPC Mortgages’ charges for mortgage
                                                                                            every care has been taken in the preparation of the information, no
                                                  insurance requirements. You can contact the   responsibility is accepted for any errors which, despite our precautions,   advice are usually £395 (£345 for first-time buyers). YOUR HOME MAY
                                                       ESPC Mortgages team on 0131 253 2920.  it may contain.                    BE REPOSSESSED IF YOU DO NOT KEEP UP REPAYMENTS ON A
                                                                                                                                 MORTGAGE OR OTHER LOANS SECURED AGAINST IT.
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