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                           family life                                                        Morningside
               The best areas for

                                                                                            If you plan to raise your family within the
                                                                                            city centre, Morningside is a stellar choice.
                                                                                            Offering a village-like feel, whilst being within
                                                                                            walking distance of the Old Town (with plenty
                                                                                            of bus services too), Morningside has much
                                                                                            to shout about. There’s access to excellent
                Searching for the best spot to settle down? We share some                   schooling,  a  great  community  feel  with  a
                      of the most popular with ESPC househunters.                           vibrant local high street, and lovely green
                                                                                            spaces close by including The Meadows and
                                                                                            Blackford Hill.

                                                                                            The average price for a three-bed family
                                               Corstorphine                                 house in Morningside is £750,427.       Dalkeith
                                             Ideally located for the city centre,                                                 Perhaps Midlothian’s most popular town,
              inding  the  right  place  where                                                                                    Dalkeith provides families with lots to do and
              your family can flourish can be a   Corstorphine is a popular choice with family     Peebles
         Ftricky task, with so many factors   buyers as it’s perfect for commuting into                                           enjoy, Dalkeith Country Park and the Fort
          to consider, from school catchments   town, as well as offering plenty of its own   For a quieter pace of life but still with plenty   Douglas Adventure Playground offering much
          to green spaces and commute times.   excellent  amenities.  Corstorphine  has  its   going  on,  Peebles  is  a  great  place  to  base   to keep little ones entertained. There’s great
          Here are a handful of the most popular   own thriving local high street and is in the   your family. Less than 25 miles outside of   shopping locally, and if you’re commuting into
                                                                                                                                  Edinburgh, you’ll find it smooth and simple to
          family-friendly areas across Edinburgh,   catchment area for two popular secondary   Edinburgh, Peebles is ideal for commuters
          the Lothians, Fife and the Borders   schools, as well as offering plenty of green   but also offers much to enjoy on your   do from Dalkeith.
          where you might find the perfect place   spaces for family walks and letting off steam.   doorstep,  including  good  schools,  award-
          to put down roots.                                                                winning restaurants and a distinctive high   The average cost of a three-bed family house
                                             The  average  price  of  a  three-bed  family   street packed with personality – and that’s   in Dalkeith is £218,364.
                                             home in Corstorphine is £392,643.              before we get started on all the outdoor
                                                                                            activities available nearby too.
                                                                                                                                    Dalgety Bay
                                               North Berwick                                The average cost of a three-bed family home   Dreaming of a coastal lifestyle? Dalgety Bay is
                                             Currently reigning as ‘the best place to live in   in Peebles is £286,857.           a lovely choice – there’s a picturesque beach,
                                             the UK’, North Berwick is an obvious choice                                          plenty of family-friendly shops and restaurants,
                                             for family life. Offering a beautiful beach,     Balerno                             good schooling and a regular train service into
                                             an abundance of green spaces, plenty of                                              Edinburgh to make commuting and day trips
                                             independent  shops,  restaurants  and  cafes   Located on the outskirts of Edinburgh,   quick and easy, while Dunfermline is also just a
                                             lining the local high street and highly        Balerno is a great place for outdoorsy   short distance away.
                                             regarded schooling, as well as direct trains   families. It offers easy access to the Pentland
                                             into Edinburgh for an easy commute, North      Hills Regional Park, alongside straightforward   The average cost of a three-bed family home
                                             Berwick is undoubtedly a popular place for     commuter routes, and excellent schooling at   in Dalgety Bay is £188,400.
                                             families to settle down.                       primary and secondary level.

                                             The average selling price of a three-bed       The average selling price of a three-bed   Ready to start your search for a family home? Head
                                             family home in North Berwick is £404,382.      family home in Balerno is £446,667.   to today to get started!

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