Page 34 - ESPC_Sept24
P. 34


             Smart storage
             Storage is absolutely key in a                                                                                   Colour drench your cabinets
             small space. Clever corners,                                                                                     Colour-drenching – or painting the whole room
       hanging glasses from the underside of                                                                                  the same shade – is a popular trick in smaller
       cupboards, appliance storage and the                                                                            rooms to help the space feel bigger, so adopting it in
       kinds of cupboards you choose can all                                                                           your compact kitchen can help too. Pick a bright, inviting
       help to maximise your storage space                                                                             colour like a warm white or a soft blue, and paint walls
       and keep the kitchen clutter-free.
                                                                                                                       and cabinets in the same shade to help extend the space
                                                                                                                       and make your kitchen feel wider and bigger.
             Opt for slimline appliances
             Just because your kitchen is                 Don’t forget about art
             small, doesn’t mean you can’t                Even in a small space,
       have a dishwasher. There are so many               you’ll  find  room  to  hang
       slimline options for appliances, so         some art – even if it’s only postcard-
       with some clever planning and careful       sized. Adding in framed prints and              Opt for pan drawers                       Choose moveable furniture
       measurements, your petite kitchen can       pictures not only adds interest but             If  you go  for  lower  cabinets,  pan  drawers   Small kitchens shouldn’t mean
       still have everything you want.                                                             are a great way to maximise space over    you can’t socialise! If you love
                                                   helps to highlight how much wall
                                                   space you have available.                cupboards. Deep drawers can store much more than   hosting but don’t have the space for
                                                                                            cupboard shelves, and make it easy to find exactly   a  dining  table  full-time,  try  fitting  a
                                                                                            what you’re looking for.                  foldable leaf table to one wall that you
                                                                                                                                      can pull out when you need, and fold
                                                                                                   Add glass for extra light          away when you don’t. This also applies
                                                  Go handleless                                    If you do have upper cupboards, replacing   to portable islands – you can buy
                                                  For the ultimate in streamlining, opt            standard doors with glass ones can lend the   butchers’ blocks or hostess trollies that
                                                  for super-sleek, handleless cupboards     space extra space and light. Fashionable rippled glass   serve as a kitchen island when you need
                                            in your small kitchen.                          is a great way to do it, without putting the cupboard   extra surface space but can be tucked
                                                                                            contents on full display – you can even buy glass film   away when required too.
                                                  Create a built-in banquette               to get the look on a budget.
                                                  If you don’t have the space for a
                                                  separate dining table with four seats            Choose pull-out racks and shelves
                                            around  it,  you  might  find  that  you  do  have     To really make the most of limited cupboard
                                            enough room to create a cute built-in dining           space, try fitting pull-out racks and shelves.
                                            booth.  It’s  relatively  quick  and  inexpensive  to   You can get everything from floor-to-ceiling pull-out
                                            build a booth seat, and while it’s not in use, you   cabinets, to spice racks, to circular shelves that swing
                                            can push your dining table right up against it   out from lower cabinets, all helping to maximise
                                            and  use  folding  dining  chairs  that  can  be  put   space that might otherwise go wasted.
                                            away when you don’t have guests over.
                                                                                                   Relocate your laundry
                                                                                                   If you’re in a property with a small kitchen,
                                 Mix up your styling                                               there’s a good chance you won’t have
                                                                                            a separate  utility or  laundry  room  to house your
                                 To elongate and open your space, without losing much-needed
                                 storage, why not try a combination of open shelving and closed   washing machine. However, you can make like the
                          cabinets? Keep cabinets at the lower level to boost your storage space   Scandinavians and relocate your laundry system to
                          without becoming too oppressive, with open shelving to keep the space   another space in the house – like a utility cupboard
                          airy whilst retaining space for display.                          or even in the bathroom – to give back some extra
                                                                                            space to your kitchen.

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